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      Metro reacted to gigilo's post in the thread Daily picks. with Like Like.
      placed 8/1 placed...
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      Metro reacted to gigilo's post in the thread Daily picks. with Like Like.
      Enderman 2nd went odds on in running 2nd Agostino repeats same tactics just went off to quick,then the other one gts done on the...
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      Metro reacted to gigilo's post in the thread Daily picks. with Like Like.
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      Metro reacted to Robski123's post in the thread Daily picks. with Like Like.
      I've been picking 6 of his selections and doing 15 £1 or £2 Cross doubles and have been winning a nice amount, to perm all the picks...
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      Metro reacted to gigilo's post in the thread Daily picks. with Like Like.
      8 winners 9/2,14/1,3.43,16/1 &4/1 dead heated,7/2,7.6,2.58,plus 15/2,5/1,20/1,6/1,16/1,3/1,15/2,3/1,10/1,11/1 and 10/1 places plus 3...
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