Sunday 19th May 2024


Mar 2, 2018
Fancy Stuff, given a ride where all the jockey needed was a tourist guide to the local scenic attractions as he blithely cantered around at the back, only to make some sort of Stewards-worthy effort when, really, he'd left himself too much to do. In fact, so token was his ride, it's small wonder that the stewards didn't ask for an explanation but ho hum. Only an opinion, of course but I shall expect them to put him back over fences with a more experienced pilot up. It's possible the horse might appreciate a little more juice in the ground, I suppose.

That was my opinion and we’ll see, indeed, if putting him back chasing with Sean Bowen up actually bears fruit. I’ve. probably got it wrong since the going seems wrong for him and he needs further but after that comment from me, how can I not back this one ew @ 12/1?
The most obvious horse in the race is Admirals Sunset. He won this race last year with a very similar prep and is 3Lbs below that LWR. Silly price at 11/1 and I’ll do that ew too. Think nos 2,5,8 will need further. Looking at it overall AS seems quite the bet
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Fancy Stuff has shortened from 12’s to 6’s this morning.
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Nice shot mate. But dont give up on Admirals Sunset. She travelled well for a long way and maybe just needed the run this time. There is still a race or two in her. And probably at her beloved Stratf.ord