Royal Ascot Advice


Amateur Rider
Nov 11, 2024
I've booked to go to Royal Ascot for the first time on the Friday and Saturday.

I would like to do the Queen Anne Enclosure for one of those days. Any preference which day would be the best to do it, or does it really matter which day I choose?

I was thinking of doing the Village Enclosure on the Friday and the Queen Anne Enclosure on the Saturday, to build up to the better one.

However, I'm reading Friday is the social day of the week and Saturday is a more relaxed atmosphere, so I'm now none the wiser which day to pick.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. :)
Never done the Village Enclosure but done Queen Anne and also the Royal Enclosure. It’s slightly annoying to have to walk further round imo especially if like me you are vain and wear uncomfortable but pretty shoes! QA Enclosure is lovely though and I’d recommend singing at the bandstand at the end of the day as the atmosphere is great! So perhaps Friday better for that?
Thanks jinnyj, that gives me something to push me towards doing the Queen Anne Enclosure on the Friday.

Does anyone have any experiences doing both the Village Enclosure and Queen Anne Enclosure? I'm wondering if the Village Enclosure is worth doing, or would it be better for me to do the Queen Anne Enclosure for both days?

It looks like you need to sign up as a member to do the Royal Enclosure?
The Royal Enclosure you have to apply for tickets with someone who has been a previous ticket holder for five years I think as your “sponsor” or basically someone who recommends you are a “fit and proper” person. All a bit archaic still I think.
That definitely rules me out of the Royal Enclosure then!

I will probably book the Queen Anne Enclosure for the Friday.

My next question is shall I settle for the Village Enclosure for the Saturday, or book the Queen Anne for the Saturday as well?

Basically, I'm wondering if the Village Enclosure is worth doing and if I will be missing out on anything if I don't see the Village Enclosure? Would it be better to experience both enclosures for a better overall experience of Ascot over the two days, or is the Queen Anne Enclosure so good that it's worth doing for both days?
I think you are a fair way down the track with Village Enclosure? Does it give you access to the paddock? If not don’t bother as you’re way off the action. Are you hoping to park or do what I used to do which is go by train and just walk up (shoes kill on way back so I take fold up shoes in my bag)
Entirely up t you but I wouldn't entertain the thought of being over there. Last time I went I was in the Royal Enclosure but we parked over in the middle and had a nice picnic. The village was a bit further down and the "festival" music was horrendous. No-one is there for the racing - they are just there to get pissed and rave. Not my idea of a day's racing!
So I've just found out the Village Enclosure is in the centre of the track, I've just found a photo. Is this where you say there's horrendous music and more like a rave? I think the enclosure a bit further down is the Windsor Enclosure, as that's the cheapest ticket.

We were parked further up toward the winning post and between that there was a stage with live music.
You definitely don't want to hear me sing, I will clear the enclosures!

Thanks for all your comments jinnyj. I will probably do the Queen Anne Enclosure both days, but I will give Royal Ascot a call to find out more about the Village Enclosure before making a final decision.
I think you are a fair way down the track with Village Enclosure? Does it give you access to the paddock? If not don’t bother as you’re way off the action. Are you hoping to park or do what I used to do which is go by train and just walk up (shoes kill on way back so I take fold up shoes in my bag)
Songsheet nominated me - how foolish of her . We got Krizon in for free pushing another attendee’s wheelchair as her carer. A long time ago as Membership won the Jersey Stakes