You're making me unpopular with Mrs O, Ian.
I usually wait until the final decs before doing these races but already I'm having my ear chewed, and not exactly in a style that would amount to foreplay, about studying the racing...
"Zat you bliddy intae thae hoarses again, ya useless fud?"
For those of you who missed Stanley Baxter's Parliamo Glasgow back in the 1970s, I can tell you this translates roughly into Received Pronunciation English as:
"I say, darling, are you researching the Sport of Kings's important event this Saturday by any chance?"
(She is Mary Doll to my Rab C Nesbitt.)
Anyway, I digress since I have one or two things to do before I get my nose into the form but, just looking at the card, a couple catch my attention for reasons that have nothing to do with racing.
One of the entries is Tom Doniphon and I will be looking for a reason to back it. I don't know if I've admitted it on here before, but I am a huge fan of John Wayne and, especially, his Westerns and one of my all-time favourite films is
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, co-starring James Stewart, Lee Marvin and the wonderful Vera Miles. Tom Doniphon sees John Wayne in one of his finest performances (imo) and this is one of my favourite scenes. The best bit starts just after the 2-minute mark:
Others of interest purely on account of their names are:
Knickerbocker Glory - Orchidette was, by the age of three, a very skilled eater of said ice cream treat in the local cafe.
Ooh Betty - because that was my M-i-L's name and we used to say it to her.
Norman Fletcher - The brilliant Ronnie Barker's character in
Big Ginge - the nickname I had for a young woman I fell in love with when I worked in France (long before I was married, I should stress). She was very tall, very slim and had a shock of bright red frizzy hair. If you were behind her walking down the street you'd be forgiven for thinking you were following a giant Swan Vesta. (Just thinking of her again has me humming Sinatra's classic
My Lean Baby**.)
Digression over. I'll get back when I've looked at the race in detail...
** For those unfamiliar with it: