Search results

  1. imagine

    Horses I Would Love to Own

    :<3: Generous :<3: - always been my favourite, wish he'd been a better sire. Imagine (of course) Denman Fantastic Light The Fellow Norton's Coin - I cried my eyes out when the local news said he'd passed away a few years back. User Friendly in her 3yo year, really tough and game. Raven's Pass...
  2. imagine

    Podcasts - What do you listen to?

    Only one at the moment which is the BBC Wildlife one. I've tried a few running ones but my ipod's playing up at the moment so one I go into one podcast/playlist/album etc I'm stuck on it until I hook it back up to the pc again.
  3. imagine

    Attention Eggheads

    I've got an HTC Desire (standard not HD) and I'd agree that battery life is poor compared to my old brick but I gather that's the case for all smart phones. I guess it depends how much she'd be using it really but I've had mine about a month and I find it really easy to use (unless I've got...
  4. imagine

    The Road to the Grand National 2011

    Apparently State Of Play goes there without a run sine last year's race - not sure if that's a good thing or not.
  5. imagine

    Life sucks ...

    The thing with any medication is all side effects are potential, doesn't necessarily mean you'd get them. PM if you like as it is my area of expertise and I'd be happy to help if I can.
  6. imagine

    Good Home needed!

    Sounds like I was very fortunate when I got my two cats by the sounds of things. I enquired at the local resuce cebtre when I was at home visitng my parents and I genuinely thought they'd say no as I live in a flat with no garden but they were perfectly happy for me to have one. The lady said...
  7. imagine

    Retirements & Departures 2011

    Jade Hunter sire of HOTY Azeri (poss 2002). Had a good innings really (born 1984) - I believe it was complications following a bout of colic.
  8. imagine

    Get well soon Diamond Geezer

    Best wishes and get well soon.
  9. imagine


    I watched BITSP a while ago and have to say thought it was very disappointing, very predictable and personally I wasn't that moved by it. I can't quite put my finger on why as I found a visit to the Holocaust museum really upsetting. Maybe the ending was just too obvious.
  10. imagine


    Yes, me and about four other people in the same showing so perhaps not that popular. It was ok, nothing too taxing on the old brain and I'd say worth watching if it comes on the tv. He was before my time really so I didn't know an awful lot about the story behind him. I'd say if you liked...
  11. imagine

    Life sucks ...

    Sorry to hear you're having such rotten luck, Ballydoyle. Personally I'd get back onto the bank about hurrying things up with regards to issuing you with new cards etc. After all, you're the victim here! Also as Kri said definitely ring the insurance company. If you've been with them for a while...
  12. imagine

    A bit of fun

    43 -wasn't so good on the Irish ones and I kep putting in Ffos Las but it wasn't having it but appeard on the final list. Never mind, must go away and do more research lol
  13. imagine

    Sabre Light Enquiry

    Used to work with him years ago. Seemes like a real nice lad. Very disappointing he's ended up involved in something like this.
  14. imagine

    Howard Johnson

    And me please :)
  15. imagine

    The Lottery

    Me too, although I hardly ever remember to buy a ticket :p But I always know what I'd do if I won the money though, make sure family and friends were ok and then a lot of it would go to charity. If I had enough to pay off the bills and then not have to work everyday then I'd be happy although...
  16. imagine

    Monet's Garden fighting for his life

    Everything crossed for the old boy. Hope he makes it.
  17. imagine

    Happy New Year Everyone

    Happy New Year everyone
  18. imagine

    The big freeze

    We's usually go to the Boxing Day meet but I reckon that'll be called off as well.
  19. imagine


    Well said.
  20. imagine

    King George VI Chase

    Weather report earlier on today stating that if there's snow on the ground tonight it'll still be there Christmas Day so sounds a bit doubtful to me.