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  1. B

    Remounting banned

    If only nine were remounted whats your beef ! And if none are remounted, none will be injured! BTW like the poppycock, a much underused word.
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    Remounting banned

    Cannot see what is mental about it OTB. It protects injured horses with little chance of winning being further injured. This shows the sport takes welfare issues seriously and only9 horses were remounted in 2008 winning 7 grand in prize money anyway.
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    Remounting banned

    I welcome this, I always feel uneasy when I see horses get remounted.
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    Nicky Henderson Found Guilty

    I agree krizon and as you say in your last paragraph if NH and other trainers are more careful in future then the fine and ban along with the embarassing publicity has done it's job in my view. I know others may feel the ban, coming when it did in summer was effectively pointless for this...
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    Nicky Henderson Found Guilty

    Glad to have him back in time for the winter and have utmost respect for the man. He always strikes me as someone who cares about his horses welfare. Rules were broken but he is clearly is not a cheat and the punishment fitted the crime I think.
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    Breeder's Cup Meeting

    If the horse is well they should go for the BC IMHO. I don't see how defeat in America trying to overcome all the disadvantages the European raiders face and the long season he has had, could tarnish the horses reputation or legacy. What he has done is in the book and if J. Oxx thinks he is...
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    Rest of Arc weekend

    I had a small e/w interest on Border Patrol in the Foret Last night. 9/1 with PP best odds NRNB seems value to me. Obviously got it all to do against the fav and ideally softer ground than seems likely but progressive horse and strong claims for a place I think.
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    Soumillion loses Aga Khan retainer

    What happened with Fabre and the Aga ? I am in the dark on this one.
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    Ruby's ride on Compelled

    Fair enough Cantoris excuse my hair splitting. Muttley sums up my view of the ride better than I managed to. I just do not think this ride was a good example to choose to examine Walsh's supposed schooling/educating of horses on the track.
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    Borderslescott - what a hero

    Great for the horse and connections, shame for P. Cosgrove to lose the ride though. I wonder who wanted him off the horse? Funny how it works out with N. Callan getting the ride and beating his own stable's horse who was initially going to run elsewhere I understand hence Callan booked for the...
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    Ruby's ride on Compelled

    He said Walsh being on a horse was becoming a negative for him, not specific about if this is due to his mounts being overbet or if he doubts his riding ability. Perhaps he will clear this point up.
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    Ruby's ride on Compelled

    Cantoris, I have watched the race. I Cannot see a problem with the ride, in fact I thought he gave it a great ride. You said in your first paragraph summary of the race that "She got into contention at the second last and going to the last looked like she had every chance only being a few...
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    York Day 2

    I tend to agree although the ground is firmer than ideal IMHO. 9/4 and getting bigger will do me. I like Coin Of The Realm and Presbyterian Nun in the first.
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    Sea The Stars - Retirement Announced

    STS got a great reception today from the crowd, it was good to see people appreciate a class horse. I remember watching the telly as he walked round the paddock before the Derby being struck by his presence, which sounds a bit stupid I suppose as I was not seeing him in the flesh. But seeing...
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    Sea The Stars - Retirement Announced

    Tricky situation for W. Derby and his team. Obviously wants STS to run but Sariska's connections won't if its too firm and we might not get any significant rainfall between now and next week. (Cue thunder sound effects and the sound of water lashing the windows). I am not qualified enough...
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    Sea The Stars - Retirement Announced

    It will be something to see Mastercraftman set sail for home to be joined by STS and a ding dong to the line. Backed Mastercraftman but as long as we get a good race I would love STS to win..... money won takes a back seat for me on these races. Probably why I am a loser long term!!
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    Sea The Stars - Retirement Announced

    Hopefully the couple or three million quid they spent on the course means it can take a piss now, maybe even two. With luck we can miss the worst of the heavy showers over the next few days and they can leave soft out of the going description.
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    Departures 2009

    Sad news. I was in the Club when he won at Royal Ascot and at RA when it was run at York. I remember him hanging on that day from a horse of L. Cumani's. He was a great lad alway's sticking his neck out and trying his best.
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    Sea The Stars - Retirement Announced

    Another dry day in prospect here today. Lovely sunny morning, shame this week isn't next week.
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    Sea The Stars - Retirement Announced

    We have had some heavy showers over the last couple of weeks but its been warm and (sometimes) sunny in between those showers. It is raining this morning. Feels like last year all over again.