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  1. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    Why has the 'Ask the BRA' thread been closed? FFS, can you not even get a decent argument on here any more? I was attacked by torch wielding racing insiders and I'm not even allowed to respond.
  2. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    I stand accused because, unlike yourself and some of you're buddies, I'm not drooloing over this BRA guy like some starstruck schoolgirl in the presence of Leonardo De Caprio. "Oooh, aren't we so lucky and important, someone from the BRA want's to speak to us". More typical brit thinking. No...
  3. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    Overall I make a profit on the dross racing. Not betting on it would be akin to shutting down a profitable shop because of rampant shoplifting that the courts were punishing with fines that were a fraction of the amount earned from shoplifting.
  4. Honest Tom

    Offshore Bookmakers

    IS, they don't have to pay levy on foreign horse racing.
  5. Honest Tom

    Offshore Bookmakers

    IS, they only give 10% of their profits on UK racing to the levy.
  6. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    You sound like a typical Brit. Take it up the @rse without a cross word. The French would be blockading the ports if an organisation like the BRA allowed its members to shaft them without punishment. If Mari Antoinette had happened in Britain she would've been voted back in for another two terms.
  7. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    I already said I would not waste my time communicating with them. Why would I want to engage with people who have given tacit approval to criminals who have robbed me of hundreds of thousands of pounds over the last decade? (would you)?
  8. Honest Tom

    Offshore Bookmakers

    The tote's main problem is they have to give those with tote direct terminals 70% of their takeout. If there was, god forbid, a tote monopoly they wouldn't have to do that.
  9. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    I'm talking about where there has been a body of opinion regarding serial offenders. If you're a forum regular you'll have a rough idea of whose opinion can be trusted and who's pocket talking. The latter are often taken to task by the shrewdies although on the flip side there's an apologist for...
  10. Honest Tom

    Kieren Fallon

    As far as suspect accounts laying winners goes, don't forget they can throw security off the scent by laying triers on the normal laying account and backing it on a different account. Some will inevitrably win giving them a "but look guv, no shortage of winners among them" excuse for the price...
  11. Honest Tom

    Kieren Fallon

    But not by Felon Colin. :p
  12. Honest Tom

    Kieren Fallon

    The two I'll never forget Felon for are Emperor Cat in a seller at Yarmouth for Honest Paul Blockley (I made it 7/4, it opened 9/4 drifted to 11/2 on betfair - name your own stake - slowly away and buried) and Seeking Answers at Doncaster (I made it 5/2, opened 2/1 drifted to 11/2 on betfair -...
  13. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    Does this fkng "ask the BRA" page exist?
  14. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    There are many shrewd judges on the betfair forum. They've been banging on about selective and overwatering for ages and every jockey that had their wrist slapped by the BRA were flagged up as serial offenders years before the clowns at the BRA brought any charges.
  15. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    Close encounters of the 2nd kind might be even funnier toobe.
  16. Honest Tom

    Offshore Bookmakers

    Toobe, I take it you meant "surely a tote monopoly means all bookmakers taking their profits abroad" and you're correct. Because it's a tote monopoly here (and that would require a change in EU rules) doesn't mean we'll all be betting with the tote. I'd imagine most online backers would be...
  17. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    Where is this 'Ask The BRA' page anyway? I'd like to stick it up on the betfair site as there will be a lot of them game for a laugh.
  18. Honest Tom

    Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

    Toobe, it gives me a warm feeling inside knowing that the government, the bankers and the BRA are looking after the interests of me and my family.
  19. Honest Tom

    Offshore Bookmakers

    In the morning you can shift the odds of outsiders 30 or 40 points with £6 on betfair. Isn't the betfair "transparency" a wonderful thing. It gladdens my heart to know that the people who gain most from this "transparency" are parasitic traders, spoofers and trappers. Bless their little hearts.
  20. Honest Tom

    Offshore Bookmakers

    Colin, when betfair was still a fiver swap shop I wrote to the BRA chairman of the time (Savill) and suggested they set up a racing run bet exchange with the course bookmakers automatically linked in (|I daresay they could have made this compulsory and prevented the use of other exchanges) and...