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  1. G

    Departures 2009

    Thanks very much for that, can breathe a sigh of relief but a sad day for any horse that was been lost. Deb
  2. G

    Departures 2009

    Does anyone know which horse mentioned a few days ago that was injured at uttoxeter? Deb
  3. G

    2008 Departures

    Glad to say that this is not a sad departure from racing but Rocky's Girl injured her tendon badly after coming second in her final race at Bangor a few weeks back. She was owned by a local syndicate and she's now at home with me and 3 other ex racers where she will enjoy a long and happy...
  4. G

    Board Rules

    Hi, have read T & C and will continue to brose the forums. All seems very fair to me. Thanks
  5. G

    What Does Your Name Mean ?

    Not sure if this is good or bad but it's "Bites the pillow, uses both hands" ;) Deb
  6. G

    An Appeal For Jamie.

    Hiya, just wanted to say that this is possibly one of the nicest threads I've read on any forum. Well done, it's a wonderful gesture. :D
  7. G

    New Members- Welcome To Talking Horses

    Hi all and thanks very much for your welcome to this forum. It feels like a really friendly place to be :D Kathy I didn't make Brendan's open day unfortunately - bet it would have been a nice day too. You did a nice job with the website, well done. Thanks for the best wishes with...
  8. G

    New Members- Welcome To Talking Horses

    Hi folks, I've been lurking here for a week or so since lambournlass gave me this forum address B) . Here's a bit about me. I have 2 ex racers (one courtesy of lambournlass and one from John Bridgers yard). I also have 2 non tb's for my sins :blink: . I'm pretty new to racing but we do...