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0870 Television


Dormant account
Jun 6, 2005
Having bemoaned the growth of this kind of cheap, mind numbing entertainment and suggested its on an ever remorsely advance, (presumedly being capable before long of subsidising the licence fee) I thought I'd set about trying to list the examples. Now I'm not a prolific TV watcher and have had to enlist a bit of help, and after chewing it around a bit we realised that there were a few spieces of the same family genus. Anyway, I speculated earlier that there had probably been about 40 shows introduced in the last 7 or 8 years that are essentially shows built around a premium rate telephone number, the format of which appears secondary to a desire to coin it in, and provide oxygen to the likes of Nicky Campbell. So far my list falls short of this figure, so any help is appreciated?

1: Big Brother (the Satan of them all)
2: Celebrity Big Brother (Damien)
3: Strictly Come Dancing
4: The X factor
5: Pop Idol
6: Hells Kitchen
7: Just the Two of Us
8: Fame Academy
9: Pop Stars the Rivals
10: Celebrity Love Island
11: Survivor
12: Celebrity Scissor Hands
13: The Salon
14: Castaway
15: One that involved two teams running a bar?
16: Only Fools on Horses
17: Stars in their Eyes
18: Soap Stars Super Stars
19: A celebrity Circus thing?
20: Was there a celebrity holiday rep thing?
21: Was htere a political one?
22: Your favourite Novel (involved celebrity advocates)
23: Something about renovating a dilipidated old building or two featuring Griff Rhys Jones?
24: Celebrities on Ice

Another genre that appears, is D list celebrities doing ordinary(ish) things in a desperate attempt to gain a profile and revive usually flagging careers, this usually involves a vote, but doesn't always. This show has pushed the boundaries of what is a celebrity? Abbi Titmus. Why? I kind of see this as the televisual manifestation of 'Hello' or 'OK'. Quiz shows under the auspices of charadee have proven fertile ground for this one, although football has also been roped in.

Another thing noted was the growth of phone in votes for absolutelty anything, even though the show can survive perfectly well without it. Sports programmes were particluar culprits, although Goal of the Month has been around for years (answer on the back of a postcard to BBC, Television Centre, Wood Lane etc Man of the Match has supplanted this one when Sky worked out they could do it in running. It's only a matter of time I suppose before the BBC's coverage of Wimbledon extends to "was that shot in? text yes to xxxx, or No to yyyyy". I mentioned in my previous rant that radio 5 had a text which gave you the chance to send our reporter to a game of your choice last week poll. Where will it end? What final score would you like our correspondant to report? What would you like them to drink at half time? text T for tea, C for Coffee, B for Bovrill, or U for urine (actually even I might join in that one if it became an option)

Daytime televison was also identified as prime offenders in this category;

"And todays question is; who is generally felt to have fallen off the wall, before being assisted by all the Kings Horses and all the Kings men?"

Was it A: Arch Bishop Macarios, B: Humpty Dumpty or C, the sixth Duke of Anjou

Text/ phone your answer to etc

The final area of concern, is what we called "top lists TV", and this one is particularly rife at present.

Now this is the ultimate in cheaply produced television that has the added incentive of combining D list celebrities to provide additional fill, through a talking head as they desperately try and lend some pseudo academic gravitas to the programme by musing about their own re-collections of what ever list is involved. As with any rank order though the chance to launch a vote is ever attendant, although I understand most of these are done on line rather than premium rate phone lines. None the less they can occupy two, 3 hour slots if they involve 100, and can pad out a weekend evening in the schedules, and cost little more than an editing team to produce.

Last night for instance, one such example of this emerged of 'your favourite top 40 funniest moments from only fools and horses' - I kid you not. The list of top 100 or whatever number is endless. I've got some recollection of Britains top 10 castles appearing a few yeasr ago "as voted for by you the viewer". Music, Films, and TV moments are of course flogged out. As have been comedians, funniest programmes, funniest moments, and if last nights evidence is anything to go by, we've now entered the zone of funniest moments from funniest programmes. Expect to see the top 10 funniest moments from the 7th series of Last Of The Summer Wine, followed by celebrity Songs of Praise, featuring your top 5 hymns, and who do you want to deliver the surmon?

I await celebrity midwife with a sense of dread. Though could be tempted by celebrity christians versus the lions hosted by Stuart Hall
Warbs, I'm getting worried about you... remember to get plenty of sleep and have your vitamin levels checked out. I think you might be lacking in Zinc and Pantothenic Acid. :lol:

"And phone NOW to vote for your Favourite Vitamin! Will it be the ever-popular C, a reminder of oranges and sunny days? Or will it be E, guaranteed to keep that skin shiny and smooth? And how about... "
25: There was definately one about celebrities on a farm wasn't there?

I quite like the idea of celebrity oil rig myself, (North Sea in January) the 'stars' :lol: are split into two teams and the ones who produce least crude at the end of the week, have to nominate someone to be pushed off the platform.

Celebrity parachute jump has an appeal too. This would involve 6 celebrities jumping out of plane at 10,000 feet but the viewer has to vote for which one has the faulty rip cord
Whatabout these phone in comps that are on late everynight ? ITV.... it cost 75p to phone but your not guaranteed to get through??? I reckon there's a case to be answered there surely.... :o And who the FECK knows the answers they could (if you got through change the answer which I bet they do)
out and out fraud in my eyes.......... :P

And WARBLER your so very correct in what you printed with regards these so called comps ??? there's no skill in them at all,(you would have to be a thicko not to know these simple answers, but they(organisers that is ) get through because its deemed you need an element of SKILL!!!! another that needs to be investigated... :rolleyes:
25: There was definately one on a farm wasn't there? Answer to my question, yes there was, and guess what it was called? The farm <_<

As for celebrity parachute jumping? it's been done and constitutes number 26. Channel 5 produced something called "drop the celebrity" which involved sticking them in an aircraft and voting them out (the cargo door in this case). None of them were killed but Cheryl Baker broke her ankle apparently. Now I've interrogated Wikipedia on the subject, as they have compiled a list from around the world, and frankly I wept. Though they omitted the detail regarding the subtly entitled entry for "So you think you could be a porn star?". Others I'd missed, and am not totally sure if they all involved public votes, but I think they did include;

27: The All Star Talent Show
28: Britains Worst Celebrity Driver
29: Bollywood Star
30: Back to Reality
31: I'm Famous and Frightend (would appear Rusty Lee scarred the ghost off)
32: Strictly Dance Fever
33: Hit me baby One More Time (which begat)
34: Reborn in the USA
35: Ladette to Lady I was unsure about whether this was a public vote, or a panel vote like the Apprentice?

Other shows like 'The Contender' were American imports where I don't think we voted.

The list is frightening, and I'm sure there's a few they've missed which fall into the pseudo academic genre, like vote for which antique grandfather clock you'd like Chippy Minton to restore etc


I'm warming to the idea of "Celebrity Bomb Disposal" at the moment. Or perhaps the cunningly entitled "So You Think you Could be a Baghdad Policeman?" featuring a team of politicians and petulant footballers
"Hi, is that the poll line? Look, I want to vote for 'Forumite Most in Need of Medication' and it's No.3, Warbler... "
Love the idea of "So You Think you Could be a Baghdad Policeman?" Tremendous potential. Can we have John Prescott in the pilot episode please?

36 That thing running at the moment - Extinction or whatever it's called.
Ardross, any more picking at scabs like that, and I'll vote you in for the Baghdad copper trials. Now stop it - it's nearly Christmas Day and we should all try to get along for the next 24 hours. We can all be our usual selves after that.
Anyone familar with the Grand Theft Auto series of Computer Games wiill have heard the radio advert that is playing in some of the cars for Liberty City Survivor.

I think I'm right in saying the 2000 Castaway wasn't an 0870 phone in type prog. but simply 'reality tv' before it became seen as a money making excercise. Nobody was 'voted off' by the public.
Ah but there was definately something for the nations favourite Britain which involved minor celebs endorsing their favourite over a 10 week period, and that involved a phone vote. So I might have lost one in my quest for 40, but have gained one too ;)

In fact i reckon they did something similar with favourite TV comedy series as well? won by Fools and Horses? with Fawlty Towers and Blackadder making the frame? That's right, I remember now, carol Vorderman trying to convince the GP that the bloody Vicar of Dibley was the all time greatest etc

And they might even have taken the same principal a grade lower and refined it to favourite comedian?
Originally posted by Warbler@Dec 28 2006, 08:25 PM
Ah but there was definately something for the nations favourite Britain which involved minor celebs endorsing their favourite over a 10 week period, and that involved a phone vote. So I might have lost one in my quest for 40, but have gained one too ;)

Yeah, that was the 100 greatest Britains. Very embarrasing, i can`t remember which shit4brains nominated Diana but it was toe curling to watch.

Churchill or Only Fools and Horses. I don`t know which victor was the greater travesty.
He usually was

:lol: Blimey - look at those rippling muscles! Who'd have thought you needed those to hold a little stick?

I said 'stick'!