10.1 secs per furlong


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
I've been referred to a quote in the RP regarding Maoineach in which the ever reliable Jim Bolger explains he brought this horse in a breeze up in the States after she clocked 10.1 secs for furlong:blink: remember she's a 2yo filly, and is alleged to have done this in April 2008. The RP duly reported it. My instinctive reaction was that Jim was sticking the reporters away a bit. Miss Andretti won the Kings Stand in a time that works out 11.47 secs per furlong I seem to think, which some commentators were flabberghasted at, as they speculated she must have been covering sections in under 10 secs at some point in the race. Now where as I know enough about race times to be highly dubious that a 2yo filly could do this, I don't know much at all about the conditions of a breeze up. Does this sound plausible to us?
Definitely possible, Warbs. Horses often ramped to the hilt at these breeze-ups and you have to remember they're only clocked over a couple of furlongs.
I'd say it was a cert she covered it in 10.2 Warbler. As TS says horses are trained to the very top (amongst other things). The formula is generally, Lower Time = $$$$$$$.

They only gallop a short distance too, 2 or 3 furlongs normally and depending on if they time from a "flying start" or not would effect this too - also she's going to be running on a fast dirt surface rather than turf with some cut in it.
It seems fast but as has been said...what surface...how far did the horse run

on good/firm in a slow run race a listed sprinter can put in seriously fast fractions late on...even after taking part in an actual race rather than just dashing flat out for 2 or 3 furlongs
The Americans are always over impressed by "bullet" work-outs. As IS says it means more dollars. I had a friend years ago who sold their very moderate looking filly for way over the odds just 'cos it clocked the fastest time at the sales. It turned out useless. I would rather buy on the whole package - stride, conformation, pedigree, temperament and whether I thought it looked like it would make a racehorse rather than one who could just blitz for 2 furlongs.