1978 Derby on you tube

What I remember most about that race is having backed Hawaiian Sound each way ,seeing it vanish inch by inch and hearing betting shop props declare how Lester would have never left Starkey up his inside! Poor consolation. The third Remainder Man had won the Free handicap before being second in the 2000gns. Not bad for a handicapper.
Thanks for the link.
My Dad remembers it well as the winner had the same name as the village where he lived!
Out of interest, is the third, Remainder Man, the sire of One Man?
What I remember most about that race is having backed Hawaiian Sound each way ,seeing it vanish inch by inch and hearing betting shop props declare how Lester would have never left Starkey up his inside! Poor consolation. The third Remainder Man had won the Free handicap before being second in the 2000gns. Not bad for a handicapper.

MVOB persuaded Lester to ride Inkerman - who although he turned out to be a good horse was far too immature and finished 21st .

Lester is reputed to have said when he won the Benson and Hedges Gold Cup on Hawaiian Sound ( after Shoemaker had also been beaten on the horse in the Irish Derby and the King George ) and sangster asked him what present he would like " Whatever it cost to fly that xxxx over three times "