2008 Departures

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Very sad, thought he was coming back to win it as well. A horse I have followed for a long time.
still haunted by image, I have to admit. Even on small screen on computer it was a horrible sight, and he must have been killed instantly. I just wish one could invent something so secure horses neck; I know its impossible, but thinking jockeys wear helmets and vests etc., it would be great if the horses could have some sort of harness too - its not called "Battlefield of Racing" for nothing .... shrug:: :(
for anyone on here who didnt already know, the talented and genuine Castleshane will not be seen on a racecourse again.
Friend of mine was at Lingfield yesterday , he heard that a horse had died , anyone know if true ? :(
It looked a tired fall so hopefully he'll be ok.
Seductive Witch hasn't been confirmed,no news on Triple Bluff.
DUTY, a dual winner over hurdles last season, including in a Grade 3 event at Fairyhouse last February, has been put down. Kevin O'Brien, trainer of Duty, who disappointed in the Triumph Hurdle last year, said: “He was working alongside a few others at home when I heard a bang and he had broken a leg. It was a big blow for his owner Derek Sharkey and everyone in the yard.”
From the trainer's website

All these lovely prospects used to be carefully watched on the gallops by not only the trainer but his truely remarkable hack, FLYING INSTRUCTOR OR "BUGSY" as he was known to many.
This horse ran 64 times, won 14 and was placed on about another 35 times, but the most important statistic was that he tried his heart out 64 times. He may not have been the very best, but he was the bravest, kindest and most honest horse to look through a bridle. He won at the age of fourteen and loved every minute of every day whether racing, training, in the field or just being ridden around the farm by the tens of people who were lucky enough to sit on him. "BUGSY" suddenly didn't look himself about two months ago and cancers quickly spread. He still greeted everybody lovingly but his physical vigour diminished too quickly. He ment so much, the last horse that both my father and i trained. Watching him gallop towards the third last, looking flat out, then magically 'pricking' his black-looking ears was a wonderful sight, because you knew 'BUGSY' had something left and was about to deliver it. 'BUGSY' and Jimmy McCarthy were the first combination to carry the 'jockeycam' to victory at Aintree in 1999 and that recording should be part of every racing academy syllabus.

His last thought was gazing across the farm he loved, munching grass and being he being held by his trainer, who was completely in awe of him.
A testament to the late John Webber in whose colours he ran. So typical of the horses he produced and a joy to behold, as were many of his ~ Auntie Dot, Land Afar, Knock Hill etc
real bugger - such a shame but at least did not have to suffer and seemed to have lived a valued life. very sad though. :(
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