2016 Royal Ascot visitor experience survey

Hi Rebecca. I've answered your questions, and I'm sure you know what you're driving at, or what you want to hear, and what you want your thesis to say. However, if I or the general audience are who you are aiming at here are genuinely relevant you need to rethink it. Your questions are off the mark, in some cases irrelevant, and the expiremce will be dictated by what your audience paid for, their individual needs, what their expectations are, and what the context was with both regards the company and reason for being there.

By the way, happy 21st in three weeks time!
Yes I too have done your survey and echo the comments of Maruco! You may have had a better sense of our actually being there but asking straight out if people could comment on their day out. I am sure Maruco would have been forthcoming as would I.
Dear Rebecca

Why have you spelt your name backwards on another racing forum ?


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