48 Hr Decs From July

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ardross
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According to the RP

BRITISH HORSERACING BOARD members have agreed in principle to introduce 48-hour declarations for all races on the Flat later this year.

At a meeting on Monday, the BHB voted to implement a two-day declaration system from July, subject to further discussions between the Horsemen's Group and the racecourses.
Those discussions are set to continue until the end of April, prompting the BHB to aim for a July introduction.

The Horsemen's Group comprises of the Racehorse Owners' Association, National Trainers' Federation, Jockeys' Association and Stable Lads' Association with the organisation having an aim of maximising racing's income.

By the way which twit decided to come up with that sexist name for the owners trainers etc - all four of those groups include women or is it planned to put the clock back to the 1800s
I really can't see anyone involved getting aerated over the name Ardross - after all girls in the industry have no problem with being referred to as stable lads - it only seems to be the PC obsessed outsiders who object to it!
Not quite , actor is a description of the job done equally by men and women - horseman describes the gender of the participant .
I don't see what the objections are to 48 hr decs. If they make it that they incur a penalty for withdrawel on the day why would we have any more overnight non-runners than we do now (i.e. in what way will it affect UK punters). Of course, if there is no penalty then trainers will just destroy the whole thing by manufacturing nr's.
Are you saying that 'actress' is like significant parts of one forum member's butt, ie superfluous?
I don't think 'Horsemen's Group' implies anything of its function or content, frankly. It could be a bunch of blokes who do endurance riding for all it indicates. There would be dozens more appropriate group names and, yes, I agree with Ardross that it's time to ditch gender-oriented, outmoded references which clearly do not apply. The YMCA is the YMCA because it isn't the YWCA - that's fine. Any organisation which includes a membership of both sexes should not define itself either through the male or female in its title. Sorry, Dom, but women's equal rights didn't mean we had to continue to pretend to be men in order work in what were traditionally solely men's affairs. The only reason that the National Federation of Trainers never needed to change its name was because it never wanted women in it in the first place, so didn't feel the need to add 'Gentlemen' or some such nonsense in it.

It's time the SLA grew up and became, officially, the Stable Staff Association. After all, its female members get paid on equal terms with males, take the same risks, and heave the same barrows of shit - why do they have to be called 'lads', with all its old cap-touching diminution of what were fully grown men, anyway?

There are lots of politically correct nonsenses, but including gender implications in what is supposedly a professional organisation - and failing to imply its function at the same time - is a backward step. But then, what do we expect from something that still can't decide if it's aiming its product at footie-style chavism or what-what old farts?
All my point was is that I haven't come across any girls who work in racing who are really bothered over being called stable lads. The only people I've heard make a fuss are people who don't work in the industry - the girls themselves don't actually give a shite what they are called!
I dont think this new rule is a good idea, in fact , I think this will a problem and I hope they go back to the 24h after seeing this is a mistake.
Must say I don't know any girls who minds being called a 'lad', there are much more important things that should concern the SLA (but are never dealt with), wages, insurance, conditions and accomodation.

Bolger calls for 48-hour declarations in Ireland

By Brian Fleming3.17PM 25 MAR 2009
CLASSIC-WINNING trainer Jim Bolger has called on 48-hour declarations to be introduced for all Irish meetings "for the good of racing".

Last week ATR chief executive Matthew Imi called on this move to help the channel sell Irish racing pictures to more countries and the Coolcullen trainer agrees.

Jim Bolger: support for system
PICTURE: Mark Cranham

"I've been looking for 48-hour declarations for years and I'm all in favour of it," said Bolger.

He added: "I go racing to Leopardstown over the Christmas period and I love to have the 48-hour declarations to choose which day I'd like to go. I'm sure other racegoers would appreciate the same and for the good of racing and in the interests of all the racegoers out there who would like 48-hours notice, it makes perfect sense."

Trainers in Britain have been slow to welcome the 48-hour declarations but as Bolger points out it's a case of adjusting.

"As a trainer you just need to get your act together and make up your minds and stop sitting on the fence," said Bolger.