50p Is a Total Chancer - My Blog


At the Start
Mar 20, 2019
You might have read my first blog post about the Frost and Dunne saga, which was about the weighing room being an insular place due to its unique circumstances. I'm making a thread now for my other blog posts, because no-one cares what I say and by posting links here I might get some numbers filling up my website's stats.

https://50peachway.wordpress.com/20...-boozers-paranoia-and-conspiracies-in-racing/ — Here's my second blog; A Tale of Two Pubs - Paranoia and Conspiracies in Racing. It's about betting and people who yell at tellies.

I'll probably write a third blog post at some point, I already have an idea for it. If there's more blogs than that I'm sure it'll take six months to get out and once I've published the third I'll regret ever writing anything and forget all about it. Probably give up on horse racing too and start amateur welding before writing three blogs for a TalkingFlux forum.
Thanks, fifty - I enjoyed reading that. I love a pub and I love a bet. I don’t combine the two that often but I reserve Cheltenham for that exact combination; I’ll also have the occasional Saturday in the year doing both. Things I have learned over the years: 1. Bet before you enter the boozer 2. Don’t chase losses, when pissed 3. Don’t blame anyone but yourself if you didn’t work out the outcome of a race in advance. As you said in your blog, you will have a very unhappy life always playing the victim that a bookie loves to torment. 4. It’s ok to sometimes give yourself license to disregard 1&2.
Thanks Colin. I'll take a great life and good writing over a good life and great writing most days you ask me.

Unfortunately it can't last. I look at my betting slips and think, "Well done! You at least broke even today!" Then I look in my pocket and realise I've spent my non-betting money on booze. But it's good fun while you can get away with it.
Yes it's the life I was born for but I didn't realise this until after marriage and two children. Ahhhhh! What if............... Even did the writing bit for a while, if only.
Come to Ireland where Paddy Power have shops adjacent a lot of larger racing pubs with their screens and betting dockets within, the shop being around the corner.
When in Australia 1994 I entered a few sports bars which were bar/bookie combined with breakfast, lunch and supper served; I thought if they ever came to Ireland there would be no more work done by anyone.
Enjoyed the blogs; keep writing.
I am in Ireland, and in fairness to one of the pubs I go to they told me they'll be opening their kitchen again next week. The blog was really just trying to be illustrative of the edge cases, and potential growth market, that might not find a racing atmosphere entirely welcoming, or at least not completely comfortable.

The 50pence aspect (rather than 50cents) is only reference to Point to Points when I was young, where you'd be in a gang of feral children and the bookies didn't mind too much about an eight year old having a 50p each way on a horse. Although my mother informed me a while back that she doesn't think I ever had a whole pound to bet, maybe 20p each way.

Then, if you won, you'd buy sweets for all the rest of the mob in the gang of feral children, with maybe a can of coke for you and your main buddy. The dream of course was to win enough for chips for everyone. Although chips were usually the bribe parents used to round up their kids. Somehow word got out if you were at the chip van by 5.30pm, and not causing chaos, someone might very well buy you chips, even a sausage if you were really good.
A new blog is up.

What else is it about other than Shishkin and Energumene, and of course the pub.

A Hole in the Universe - Shishkin v Energumene

Loved it.a great read and so true to life for alot of avid racing fans.........My first thought when I wake is when is the Next Shishkin Energumene event to look forward to.

There's just not enough of it....I am looking forward to Honeysuckle running because she is just brilliant to watch then it's a long wait until the possibility 3 of the Fab four or all Clash in the Supreme
and the festival is up and running.

in between there is very little to excite me apart from your blog :lol: of course

That's the one thing I miss about the UK going racing or having a few beers ona Saturday and a bet in the local pub or club.

The only time we get a chance here is on Melbourne Cup day when I meet up with my friends from Sydney and their Thai girlfriends when we run a lottery and watch the race live
in an Aussie bar in Bangkok. It's usualy around 11am Thai time by what time we are all pissed.Always agreat day but then it's wait for another year..:(
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Is anyone here a member of a Micro-shares Syndicate/Ownership? I'm not talking about 20 owners per horse, but even more than that. I wouldn't mind asking people a few questions.

As well, can anyone point out who the best of these micro-share syndicates are?