“ An enquiry was held to consider 2 incidents of interference involving SPRING BLOOM, unplaced, ridden by Kieran Shoemark, ALLIGATOR ALLEY, unplaced, ridden by Jason Watson, LIHOU, unplaced, ridden by Clifford Lee and NIGHT ON EARTH (IRE), unplaced, ridden by Paul Hanagan. In the first instance approximately 1 ½ furlongs out involving SPRING BLOOM and ALLIGATOR ALLEY, the interference was considered to be accidental as SPRING BLOOM was running freely and Shoemark had no option other than to switch right off the heels of LIHOU resulting in ALLIGATOR ALLEY being carried right and off its intended line. In the second incident, inside the final ½ furlong, the Stewards considered this to also be accidental in that NIGHT ON EARTH (IRE) was hanging persistently right-handed, despite the rider’s efforts to correct it from doing so, resulting in ALLIGATOR ALLEY and SPRING BLOOM being denied clear runs. Clifford Lee, the rider of LIHOU, was also interviewed but found not to be involved.”