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Why use the term asian .... Their pakistani muslims....not chinese or korean
Admin, isn’t it about time this racist arse was bulleted from te forum, or are you happy for him to continue to peddle his single-item agenda?

He makes absolutely no other contrubution to the forum, and is such an almighty tadger, his link takes us to the unrelated story about Cheggers death.

His hate-filled bile ahouldn’t be tolerated any longer, imo.
the article has probably been pulled by some lefty . who dont like the truth being printed . the truth is out there if you open your eyes grassopper .
My sister-in-law is a Pakistani Muslim, working as a doctor in the NHS, and a kinder, gentler, soul, you could never hope to meet. I therefore don’t take kindly to the implication that she is no different to Islamic terrorists, sexual predators, or whatever the fu*ck else idiotic idea your useless link was trying to promote.

You can go fu*ck yourself you thick-as-pigshit racist wanker.
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i didnt write the article so **** you . it says pakistani gangs do 84% of gang rapes.... if it were white skinhead gangs.. that would be printed ... so it aint asian gangs its not skinhead gangs it aint chinese gangs ... its pakistani gangs ok is that simple enough for you bumpkin
Could we not just ban him for an appalling use of his native language, abject grammar and inability to construct a sentence?

I'd be willing to bet (will win) that Grassy's noble immigrant Sister in Law rites better english, wot?
if it were white skinhead gangs..

Steady on - nothing wrong with being a white skinhead, because I'm going bald.

I also count myself as more socialist than fascist, but then I am having a good day...:)
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It's not racist to discuss the reasons why a high-percentage of sex-grooming gangs are of Asian extract.

It is clearly racist if Asians and/or Muslims are the only thing you ever come onto the forum to post about.

Now please fu*ck off, and find another platform to pollute with your vile garbage.

Heres a quick stat for you, just done a quick search and 72% of reports in 2017 on here have been for your posts.
I've just glanced through your recent ones, they are all to do with race/religion, or having a go a gigsy on his thread.

This is a HORSE RACING forum if you hadn't noticed, either post on topic or don't post, up to you. Closing this now, especially as your link in the OP has nothing to do with the thread.
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