A favour, please?

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Hi all.

Can some kind soul put up a link to tomorrow's RPsite 'at a glance' cards for Newbury and Kelso? They're not coming up for me for some reason and they're the only ones that will work with the programme I have for transferring the cards to Excel.

I'm getting the same error time out message as I got with the Grand National acceptors the other day.

The normal cards are coming up but not the AAG ones, and in the 'big race entries' section they're not coming up at all.

I've emailed the RP with details. Maybe they can fix it.

Anyone with RTV subscription ending soon?

My deal finished this month (£10pm x 10 months then normal for two months, about £12pm over the year) so I phoned to cancel as I tend not to use the site or TV channel much at all. They offered £10pm for 4 months no contract, cancel at the end of that if I choose. I'm thinking about it.
Thanks, both.

The links aren't working for me, archie.

I'll try a system reset in case it's my pc that's the problem.
I tried a system restore to no avail.

I really wanted to take it back to the day before I went on holiday (7 Feb) as it was at the end of the holiday that things started going wrong with the laptop but it would only let me SR back to 27 Feb, which I did but it hasn't made any difference.

It's little things that are going wrong, like not updating automatically. In the RP site I was fortunately able to access the AAG cards for Cheltenham as they're what wilsonl set the program to transfer across to Excel (which I can then c&p on to Word) but for a few weeks now the trainers haven't been transferring across with the rest of the card. Weird.

Then I couldn't get into RUK but I googled it, got into RTV and logged in again there with successful results.

This thing with the AAG cards, as I say, has only been happening since the day I tried to access the most recent GN decs. Maybe it will come good of its own accord but meantime I'll try re-booting.

Thanks for all the help offered.
I'll give that a go, DG, although I managed to get in ok via IE and am just experimenting to see if the info transfers across to XL.

Got a 'debug' message en route (which I don't know the first thing about) but clicked on it anyway and it looks like it might be working.
See if there is anything you can tweak here Mo

View attachment 2030

Don't see anything there that I can change, DG, plus that menu only comes up with individual races rather than whole cards.

As it happens, when I came back on a few moments ago after my weekly Friday fish supper, everything seems normal again. Hopefully they've acted upon my email, if so credit to them for the prompt action.

Too late to do much about running off Saturday's cards, mind, but fortunately it looks like being a very quiet day with a few non-triers' conventions around the country.

The big plus is that I'm hopeful I'll be in business ahead of the Lincoln and Aintree.

Thanks again to yourself, archie and anyone else who tried to help. Appreciated.