A Gay Horse?

"I wondered if the other horses would refuse to go with him in the trailer... "

"Shee-yit! That's that thur pansy thar bringin' inter mah stable! No WAY! NO WAAAY, maaan! I ain't sharin' mah haynet with no goddam rump bandit!"

If they weren't so serious about this, you'd think it was April 1st!
I didn't think it was all that funny if I'm honest. The Onion has produced some absolutely fantastic headlines though, albeit mostly related to politics.

One that sticks in my mind is "Black Man Asks Nation for Change" during the 2008 election. Classic.
I'm not sure if it was intended to be humorous as much as point out that it can occur. Presumably 'gayness' is not just a human trait, although I found some of the anthropomorphising (jeez, have I spelled that correctly?) a bit daft - a horse wouldn't cover a few mares just to 'hide' his 'homosexual' feelings, ffs! I think it's possibly more of a domination thing gone a bit awry - we know that many male primates mount other males in a show of who's boss, and I think that while most males tend to fight for domination, rather than climb aboard, it's not impossible for the domination urge to show itself this way in male horses.

I had a gelding who used to round up mares and show off his tackle quite impressively, but he never actually mounted any. He wasn't a rig, but he still had ideas of herd domination, however futile any mounting would've been, bless him.
Whatever about whether it can or cannot occur, the piece was meant to be a humorous take. The Onion is an American satirical newspaper and obviously all of the horses mentioned are fictional.
IT IS?? :blink::blink: Well, shiver me timbers and call me Jessie! It had me mainly fooled, although knowing sweet FA about American horses, I'd no idea about those others in the Hall of Gaiety. Very clever.
I had a gelding who used to round up mares and show off his tackle quite impressively, but he never actually mounted any. He wasn't a rig, but he still had ideas of herd domination, however futile any mounting would've been, bless him.

I have one exactly the same Krizon. I found out he wasn't gelded until he was four (he's now eight) so we put it down to that really. The mares actually go bonkers and fret now if we take him out of the field and to be fair he is settled enough with them and doesn't do no harm. The only niggle though is he doesn't get along with our other old gelding so it's a bit of a juggling act at times but nothing that can't be sorted.
I don't know when mine was gelded, but I do think you're right in that if it's a bit later on, then the ideas are already well in their little heads about getting it on with the ladies. Glensil did use to put his ears flat back at other geldings, but only during round-ups! He was appalled one evening when we got back from a ride and a donkey came out of nowhere, braying madly and displaying for a championship, and tried to mount him. You could see the dismay on his face! Fortunately, friends came out and chased the donk away before it could embarrass Macho Man any further.
I didn't think it was all that funny if I'm honest. The Onion has produced some absolutely fantastic headlines though, albeit mostly related to politics.

One that sticks in my mind is "Black Man Asks Nation for Change" during the 2008 election. Classic.

A friend of mine suggested a good one for The Onion the other night; "Twitter crashes under own weight of solipsism".
