A Nicer Message For Kathy

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Swirly Chaser

Why did you feel it was necessary to go over my head and point my postings out to a moderator?

Why could you not just approach me and suggest I edit the posts you felt offended by?

The reason why I am asking this in the forum and not PM is because I believe others will want to know what makes someone think direct confrontation is not an option.
Don't just sit there staring at the screen. Reply.

And don't come on with that "some of us have work to do" crap.

You found enough spare time to go sneaking off to moderators, so reply to my question.
I didn't see it either - but I'm sure I shan't miss it. If it's as I heard it described, then I'm not surprised that it was deleted and others of that nature will be too - so there's no point in wasting your time in writing them, is there?
It's either that or punch a hole in my wall.

I prefer to vent my anger on here.
Why get angry over something mentioned on here.....I had hoped people had lives outside of this.
Why get angry over something mentioned on here.....I had hoped people had lives outside of this.

Of course people have lives - don't we just know it - outside here, but if a deliberate attempt is made to noise someone up and it succeeds it reflects worse upon the perpetrator than the offended. Some of us are human.

There is a big difference between saying something which happens to upset someone (without intent) and setting out to provoke ill-feeling.
Well I will now leave Swirly out of my messages, I have seen him in a completely different light! :D

I do think that you scared her away thought Swirly, I didn't see the message but maybe you should go for the wall next time... :P
Thats quite correct if someone gets rubbed up the wrong way by misreading ones postings!!! thats pretty well exceptable, but to go for someone personally is out of order and should be punished by deletion? I am an advocate of free speach but when it becomes personal its a big no no...........
Publicly: wouldn't mind that last bit of gratuitous egocentricity going, too, mods. I think that does come under the heading of a DELIBERATELY insulting personal attack.
Krizon, you insult people constantly on here. You just disguise it better.
For free trial booklet: 'How to Insult People and Get Away With It', send ssae to Krizon, FREEPOST, Brighton, East Sussex.
Will it be in English?

Or that other language you sometimes type in.....moonmanish.
All this insulting, I think that you lot are a bad influence on me as I would never insult anybody! :rolleyes:
OI! Just because you have the ump don't go taking it out in poor innocent children like me you horrible horrible person!
Everyone seems to have replied to this message except for Kathy! What happened anyway? :P
Hi Muttley how is it in this world of hardly any NH - how do you think Jonjo and Ap are getting on and do you think that Pipe won't employ a new stable jockey as a lot of his owners would rather use the best jockey available including AP
I'm suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms, Ardross. No comment on Jonjo and AP for now :o and no, I think Mr Pipe was unable to get any of the jockeys he might have wished to employ so he's plumped for the "best available" option instead. B)

I wish the two new racing channels would get their backsides into gear and show the Irish racing.

... and .... this year's wine trip is centred in Beaune (whoopee!!) - I feel the hangover coming on already :D :D
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