A P McCoy


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Granted he's still banging in the winners, but it seems to me less and less horses seem to travel kindly for him these days. I'm becoming less in awe of his awesome powers.

I've no specific example in mind just a very general observation. Unfair?
Haven't seen much jumps racing so far but I thought he was immense aboard that winner last Saturday on the TV.
Its the style he rides isnt it??

He is no Ruby, CArberry or Murphy in the saddle in terms of style and always seem to be niggling. I dont think this makes him any less effective, his rides on Exotic Dancer, BlackJack are the only ones that stand out where he rode from the back and creep up to the leaders.

I dont think he is riding any different to before.
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McCoy has ridden 100 winners before the season has really gotten underway. Say no more really. McCoy and Walsh are the two best NH jockeys by far. It would be great if Walsh stayed in England for a season so they could battle it out but I think he's happy with his current arrangement and as he stays with McCoy half the time he might be out of a room if he were to challenge him!!!!
Slightly off topic but did anyone read the interview with Gary Hind in the RP where he was under strict orders not to hit the horses for the Maktoums and it got him into trouble when he did this on other connections horses due to habit. Maybe McCoy was so used to beating horse to death for Jonjo....
McCoy is very good at what he does - riding the mouth off and knocking ten bells out of one to win. If you ask him to do anything even slightly different he'll likely be found wanting - his will to win is his main asset.
That's what I was getting at. I don't think it was always thus. He rides so many there will always be exceptions, and he can spectacularly lift horses to victory that you know nobody else could have done. I'm still left with a suspicion that horses don't willingly give their all for him nowadays.
I remember the race but not the ride. How did he look on the steering job that should never have been made a non handicap Victor Chandler last December?
I remember the race but not the ride. How did he look on the steering job that should never have been made a non handicap Victor Chandler last December?

You mean in the Tingle Creek - he gave the horse a superb ride .

I disagree wholly with Martin . Just because AP made his name by his never say die attitude for Pipe that ignores his immense versatility . He is quite simply a great jockey and he and Ruby are streets ahead of the rest - just as he and Dunwoody were .

I remember particularly the sympathetic rides he gave to a fragile but talented horse of Egerton's - Killusty I think .
I think there always have been and always will be horses that make it very obvious that they don't travel sweetly for McCoy - he wins races by imposing his will on the horse and he does that better than anyone I've seen. By contrast Ruby works with the horse. Both can adapt to an extent but I don't think the underlying principle changes.
Can't remember what he was on yesterday, but it started barking halfway round the trip. McCoy squeezed, worked his legs like drive rods, bumped it, gave it a few shoulder slaps, one or two quick 'uns behind - but no, either the horse couldn't go on further or wouldn't. It faded back to around 7th or 8th, I think, but if you were the owner, you'd had a bloody good £100-worth of effort. Unlike some riders, even some very good riders, AP will give the horse everything reasonable to try and get the best placing for his paymaster. The Pipe days are history - time to move on. Anyone who can better the number of championships he's racked up will be wearing a halo and wings, because they'll have to be divine to crack that record.