a question about coolmore


At the Start
Nov 5, 2012
im looking to have a question answered about coolmore.reagarding the colours of smith magnier and tabor.i.e does derrick smith have the controlling share in camelot?and magnier with say kingsbarns?and if not how do they choose which colours the horse will have on its back.feel free to enlighten me!!!!
I know very little on the subject, but they do rotate the colours.

If you take a look at the ownership for each horse in the Racing Post from that camp, you will see a slight change of ownership for each run.

I'm sure to exact arrangement will come to light with the pros on here.
First named owner on the registered owners form, their colours are used.Miesque could tell you more about the way the syndicates are constructed.
Because they are all registered owners in their own right with colours registered in their own right, they can nominate which colours they want to use for each joint ownership. They have a number of JOs registered with various permutations of themselves and in various orders of names listed but they tend to register the ownerships of the horses equally.

At present (in UK at least) there is a difference between registering a joint ownership and a racing partnership. For racing purposes, a JO splits each horse owned into percentages within the JO, either equal or unequal. So you could have a 3-owner JO with one owner listed as having a 50% share and the other two with 25% each, or you could have a 3-owner JO with each owner listed as having a 33.33% share. Every member of a JO has to be a registered owner in his/her own right.

Racing partnerships are slightly different - for racing purposes the partnership owns the horse jointly and severally as a complete entity, and it's for the individual partners to agree between themselves what each share and costs might be. A minimum of two members have to be registered owners and they can either share their racing colours with the partnership or register new colours under the partnership name.

The Coolmore personnel, as a rule, tend to register as equal-share JOs and nominate one member's set of colours per JO.

Hope this helps.
Yes thanks for the answers folks.

I think it's all been covered but basically, you cannot assume majority ownership or controlling share with colors carried by any means. There is rhyme and reason to the decisions and the colors carried may change over the horses career.
I think it's all been covered but basically, you cannot assume majority ownership or controlling share with colors carried by any means. There is rhyme and reason to the decisions and the colors carried may change over the horses career.

any news of this years ballydoyle 2yo yet miesque.
One more thing id like to know,did smith have a share in pour moi?i recall him saying camelot was his first derby winner.
I think it's all been covered but basically, you cannot assume majority ownership or controlling share with colors carried by any means.

Would of saved a lot of hassle if someone had explained that to Ferguson.
I see that Coolmore have purchased the St James Palace winner Most Improved. Aidan O'Brien to train him.

From a cracking family on the dam side.

O'Brien must fancy a challenge as he didn't look in love with the game to me. Having said that Meehan has messed up a few good uns....
yes buts thats what im trying to find out,if smith did have a share in pour moi why did it carry magniers colours,are they all equal and just pick a name out of the hat or is a case of majority ownership by whichever party.also why do smiths horses not go to other trainers and tabor and magniers do?