A question.......

Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
.............for the horsemen and horsewomen on here.

What is the thinking behind giving a horse a smack with the whip after they have made a jumping error?

I thought the whip was used to keep a horse straight or perhaps make him run faster.

Is a horse intelligent enough to know that he has made a jumping error and that a crack with the whip reminds him of what he is supposed to do when he meets the next jump?
If the rider feels that the jumping error was avoidable if it were not for the horse being unneccessarily clumsy or obstinate then a crack on the arse and a yell in the earhole can be enough to persuade the horse to be more alert and buck his ideas up.
If the rider feels that the jumping error was avoidable if it were not for the horse being unneccessarily clumsy or obstinate then a crack on the arse and a yell in the earhole can be enough to persuade the horse to be more alert and buck his ideas up.

That's why it's occasionally known as the "Attitude Adjuster". Good name for a horse, that.......
I remember Danoli made a balls of a fence and threw Charlie Swann at the start of a race in leop one day. If ever a horse knew he had fxxked up it was than. It was as if he wanted the ground to open and swallow him.
That's why it's occasionally known as the "Attitude Adjuster". Good name for a horse, that.......

who of course won the Foxhunters ridden by Ted Walsh at Cheltenham back in...'86? Anyway he beat my then OH on Final Thought who was not a happy bunny.