A winning betting program with no form analysis?

Simon Nott

Aug 7, 2009
Tiverton, Devon.
This week's #BettingPeople interview is with Mike O'Neil. Mike has 'retired' to the Caribbean after successfully created a computer program that predicts winners not using form but the last 10 year's betting patterns. Sceptical? I was too but since I've been privvy to user's Telegram group I can see people are making money at it, a handful using it full time. Meeting Mike O'Neil https://www.starsportsbet.co.uk/bettingpeople-mike-oneil/
Not sure of the point of this interview. Are we supposed to give reference to a man betting with a black box?

Who ******* cares...
Not sure of the point of this interview. Are we supposed to give reference to a man betting with a black box?

Who ******* cares...

Hi Slim, the idea of the series is to cover as many aspects as possible, nobody is going to find everyone interesting. Since the interview he has added me to a telegram group of his subscribers that are using the program, they seem to be getting a few quid at it.