Affiliates Links & Banners


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
Thought I would post this just to answer a few questions I've had from PM in the past few days.

I've added quite a few more affiliate links to the board today and over the weekend, hopefully most are fitting with the general subject of the board (ie gambling sites) or are for things people will normally use (ie insurance etc)

I haven't put any banners on for sites that I have heard anything bad about (ie certain companies that offer secured loans, at massive rates), even though quite often the commission can be up to about £150 for completed deal!

As an example, Screentrade is a one I've added, they were over £200 cheaper for my car insurance than any other company, and therefore added them as I've had no problems with them in over 3 years.

Parcel2go must be the worst courier company I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with, and therefore didn't add them!

To the few people who might think this is an excuse to make money out of you all, it isn't.

In the years the forum has been running I've probably spent over £500. Its not something I want to or ever have wanted to make money from. However I don't think it's unfair to want to cover my costs, and this is a way I can do it without anyone paying a penny. Clicking the links doesn't increase the price you pay by one penny, so theres no excuse not to use them!

On most affiliates I make around 1-2% of your total order. On some I do get a fixed amount though, and it can mount up. As I've already said, if the forum could generate any earnings over the costs I have no problem putting it to a competition prize or something. For example, if 20 people use screentrade for their insurance I could offer a prize of between £750 - £1000 :eek: . Out of the 800+ members on here I expect most use insurance, house, car etc, so why not try them for a quote?

Similary, USwitch, I get £12.50 for each completed deal. They even pay 50p for each person who uses their system to check if anyone is cheaper! 50p isn't much but considering no one even has to buy anything, if every member just tried them that would create a prize fund of £300 :eek:. 50 people sign up theres a prize of about £500. Sky TV - £50 each. Barclays home insurance £75-100 each.

I have tried to make most the banners around the same size and as 'unflashy' as possible to try to stop them being annoying, but still be there to remind people about them!

Has anyone got any objections to them, or having problems with the site since they were put on?

Any other comments or questions please leave them below :)
Racing UK has been added.

On ebay we get 10p if you bid on something or buy it now auctions so as i'm sure quite a few use ebay please use the link to go to the homepage before you bid :)

Argos & PC world (when I add it), we get 20p if you reserve for in store collection too
Originally posted by Kathy@Feb 19 2007, 06:36 PM
Col, ING, the bank may be worth considering. They seem to have banners everywhere.
Yes, and whenever I see the signs for ING bank I can't help thinking that someone has removed the first syllable