

May 21, 2012
Aftertiming is such an interesting psychological thing, and probably a direct descendant of the know-it-all.
The need to be seen as have been right, and the desire for others to congratulate you on your success.

Its also similar with the "seemingly never have a losing day" brigade.

What's interesting is that it invariably works against the person. It highlights their flaw rather than their prowess, or it winds folk up.

Everyone has level days, everyone gets prices that sometimes aren't the best price, everyone has losing days, everyone makes bad calls.

Does aftertiming wind you up?
Or do you see getting wound up by it a flaw in itself (and as long as you win who cares about anyone else)?

A general thread about all things after timing etc....
I don't think it's too far from being the same animal that persuades gamblers to only tell people about the winners, and is therefore part of the psyche of gambling for some people - the affirmation that they did something well and would like other people to know about it. I can't think of many people in any walk of life who want people to know how they fucked up yesterday.

Does it wind me up? Depends - if it is a constant offender, someone who never puts up their selections beforehand, then claims to have backed every winner and never backed any loser, then yes, that winds me up. Although I could just not read the c*nts thread(s).

My personal preferences would also point more to the greater the price, the more acceptable it is - because a bigger price implies the chances of it happening were much smaller and it is therefore a thing to be applauded. I know that I aftertimed on here after Scatter Dice won the Ebor/Cesarewitch(?) for me at some ridiculous three figure price and possibly also after I backed Jwala in the Nunthorpe(?) because they were enormous prices and I didn't give a toss if anyone thought I was after-timing.

Perhaps we should introduce a new forum rule - any after-timing at a price less than 20-1 is accompanied by a 1 day ban (per offence).
I really don't care to be honest. If someone wants to celebrate their success I have no problem with it at all. I suspect many others take the opposite view and that's up to them. However they'll be the ones jumping all over someone, and that's why aftertiming is never going to be worth the bother on a forum like this.
i like bullishness and being cocky when a bet wins because to be successful you need that kind of confidence but i think you also need to embrace losses and kind of poke fun at yourself because you're going to get plenty of them in this game

people who just aftertime winners without advising beforehand and never mention losing bets aren't worth my time
There was a classic post of this sort on the new members thread a few years back, can't remember the name but it was a couple of weeks after Orfevre had three awày the Arc and he'd of course lumped on Solemia,backed a 125/1 winner at Yarmouth,got a treble up and just missed out on a 4 timer,no doubt for millions, and this was all in his opening salvo on the forum :lol:
There was a classic post of this sort on the new members thread a few years back, can't remember the name but it was a couple of weeks after Orfevre had three awày the Arc and he'd of course lumped on Solemia,backed a 125/1 winner at Yarmouth,got a treble up and just missed out on a 4 timer,no doubt for millions, and this was all in his opening salvo on the forum :lol:

Maybe he had!