Airbnb issue


Senior Jockey
Jan 8, 2004
As you all know by now, I am not one to dismiss someone who isn’t playing fair. Therefore when I received a message this morning from an Airbnb guest, I wasn’t going to ignore it.

I am a keen Airbnber and after my Dad died we set up the spare room as an Airbnb room so my mother had a “purpose” so to speak. And she’s really enjoyed being a host. Last summer we gained Superhost status and we have some exceptional reviews. We always close for the winter and re-opened a week ago. First guests arrived on Tuesday they were lovely (actually all of our guests since we opened three years ago have been) and we have another four bookings so far.

Then this morning I received a booking enquiry which said “I was going to make a booking until I saw your medical apartheid. You are a Nazi.”

Now my mother has rheumatoid arthritis (which is why I am here) and has zero immunity so on the listing it asks for people to be vaccinated. Clearly this guy did not agree. So why not just ignore my listing and go and find one who doesn’t insist on vaccinations? Why be a total d*ck?

So I reported him to Airbnb. And to be fair they have messaged me, rung me from the US, to apologise. They are referring it to their department and he will get a lifetime ban. Bearing in mind from his reviews he’s not only someone who uses Airbnb to travel but he also hosts. So a bummer for him then! I have also reported it for online hate crime to the police.

He’s going to regret those couple of sentences he threw in my direction.......:whistle: