The more amusing incident was the passable impression I managed of Lazarus when rising from the gutter of a New York street.
Initial screams subsided into stunned silence as yours truly was sent flying through the air by a manic motorist. Although I was on the 'walk' sign, the car in question was in a hurry for whatever reason, and came from the wrong side, suffice to say I never saw it, and just felt an almighty and completely overwhelming force take me straight off my feet. My head smashed the windscreen (well since I was in the States that's a wind shield). In fact the Doctor told me "you're only the second person I've seen in ten years whose spidered a US wind shield with their head. And survived"
Anyway, your alien correspondent proceeded to bounce about ten yards and come to rest in the gutter (familiar territory). I was lying there thinking 'bugger' and suddenly became conscious of the fact that I had sensation in all limbs, and hadn't really taken a head injury above the initial contact. There's something about the American drawl in a moment of animated drama that just added to it.
"Oh My God"
"Is he alive?"
"I don't know"
"Someone call 911"
"I think he moved?"
Basically I was checking arms and legs for breaks and everything seemed to be connected still, so I thought no point hanging around here, better get up, I've got to go and meet someone. At which point I started to stand up, to the general disbelieve and chorus of hysterical voices all seemingly saying the same thing
"I don't believe it. He's alive"
"How the hell?.
Now I've seen it all"
Anyway despite my protestations, I was practically arrested in an attempt to force me to go to hospital, and missed the connecting flight to Lima. Didn't stop Continental flying all my luggage there though, without me being on board (pre 9/11 in case anyone wonders). Unfortunately, they weren't certain they had!!! and asked me if I fancied flying down to Peru a few days later to see if I could find my rucksack and clothing? Implausible as it sounds, I did, and I did.
The back from the dead story though is an altogether different one, and I only found a few days later when I was told. Again it was only when I was, that I suddenly realised I had no recollection of the ambulance journey, despite being able to remember the rescue and being hoisted out. The next thing I remember is rushed through hospital wards only able to focus on the lights above me as I'd been put in some kind of brace (probably a straight jacket). Thsi was the incident that caused the injury, and trying to explain this to the New York medics wasn't easy, as they'd picked up on my neck bone that's out of kilter, and were convinced I'd sustained this as part of the car incident.
The email that was sent home on my behalf I later saw, and it said "Don't worry. He's kept his brain damage."