Alright - who called Sam Thomas a muppet?


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
From today's Torygraph by Jim White;

"With the horse (Denman) paying for his exertions the rider too began to suffer for his moment. Through Autumn, Thomas had a nightmare run. He kept falling. None of his tumbles had serious consequences - apparently constructed from Indian rubber, he is a rarity amongst jump jockeys in that the only thing he has ever broken is his nose. But their regularity set tongues wagging. The nadir came at Folkestone when he was unseated in consecutive races. He got up from one fall to find himself surrounded by photographers. "Haven't you got anything better to do with your lives then taking pictures of me falling?" he snapped. The shot appeared in all the racing papers. On websites, waspish posters hiding behind anonymity revelled in his misfortune. "A muppet could have won on Denman" read one post. "And a muppet did" replied another.