Anaglogs Daughter


Banned member
Dec 6, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
I just read that Michael Rafferty/Anaglogs Daughter has sadly passed away.

Those of you who use Twitter will know him as a legend among posters.
he posted hundreds if not thousands of great photos

I had a few heated debates with him over the years mainly about Arkle's 212
he was unshakable in his beliefs and forgot more about the game than most of us will ever learn myself included.

He never missed a beat and Tweeted me a reply on the 20th of May telling me he had corrected a tweet
he had mixed up Tony Charlton and the late PA Charlton photos regarding jockeys who had died in car crashes.
I had no idea he was as ill as he was.

Over the next few days he posted dozend of tweets the last contained 9 photo's of Istabraq to celebrate his 30th birthday cake included on the 23rd of May.
I believe that may have been his last tweet R.I.P.