Another Fundamental Question

Ooops! Sorry Ardross - my responsibility passed me by. Would have plunged on Quito so perhaps all is for the best.

I was too busy fretting over where all the horses will fit when they are raised on the day of judgement.
But QUITO won, o worrisome one! :angry: Why not worry about where all the cattle, sheep, cats, dogs, goats, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, monkeys, chickens, turkeys, and two turtle doves are also going to fit when they're raised? There are a darn sight more critters raised for the dinner plate than there are selling platers, AC, and I'm not sure that our little solar system will fit everything in. Perhaps that's why the Americans are so interested in space travel? There'll be more heavens in which to store these raised souls. How sweet - and no expense spared to find them, either.
Originally posted by krizon@Aug 24 2006, 07:43 PM
There are a darn sight more critters raised for the dinner plate than there are selling platers
Should we have a separate thread for them too?

We could nominate a person in each corner of the country to contact their local abbatoir on a daily basis to ascertain how many plucky little blighters shuffled off this mortal coil and onto kebab skewers etc?
That's a bit narrow, simmo. You'd need to include all farms and all veterinary clinics, too, which are pretty handy with the humane bolt or needle gun when called upon to dispose of the afflicted. What about roadkill? 'Sporting' deaths? I imagine the thousands of grouse and pheasant blasted every season would like a say in not getting a mention in despatches, not to mention the rambling badgers blatted by speeding Ford Foci. What of cat kills? Surely the sweet, innocent little blue tit, snatched untimely from the feeder by Tibbles - and next door's cat, at that! - has the right to a memorial? And what of Old Faaarmer Giles, prowling the perimeters of his domain, blowing to smithereens everything that flies, walks, or hops, that doesn't fit in with the growing of crops?

Y'see, the list is truly endless once you get started. And they possibly all have souls, too. If we take a leap of faith (and it needs a really good Arkle-style performance to clear the open ditch of disbelief successfully) and assume that they are worthy of 'RIP' instead of just 'Dead Animals List', then where does that lead? To memorial days? Wreath-laying at the statue of the Unknown Pig and a burst of remembrance poetry from Andrew Motion? One's mind fair boggles at the very thought of it all.
Originally posted by simmo+Aug 25 2006, 08:08 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (simmo @ Aug 25 2006, 08:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-krizon@Aug 24 2006, 07:43 PM
There are a darn sight more critters raised for the dinner plate than there are selling platers
Should we have a separate thread for them too?

We could nominate a person in each corner of the country to contact their local abbatoir on a daily basis to ascertain how many plucky little blighters shuffled off this mortal coil and onto kebab skewers etc? [/b][/quote]
I've kept sheep - and I'm pretty sure they do NOT have souls :P
We enter into a much closer relationship with dogs and horses than we do with sheep [or even cats which btw are still classed legally as 'wild animals' for insurance purposes]. Regardless of the fact that I don't believe in 'souls' doesn't mean that I can't recognise that certain animals are higer in the evolutionary chain than others, and are more capable of both intelligence and feeling.

I totally deplore vivisection ESP on eg dogs & cats and above all on primates. Morality in such matters doesn't depend on adherence to any religion. After all the Muslims are god-fearing folk and almost universally despise and mistreat animals.
Most animals, I'd agree. The animals they won't despise or maltreat will be their camels, their horses, their Salukis, their saqqir (or saker) hunting falcons, and any cutesy-wutesy fluffy pedigree cat or dog which has cost a king's ransom. Otherwise, dogs are considered 'unclean'.

Small anecdote from the time I worked in Saudi: An American couple spent years working in Saudi Arabia and retired to the States. (This is a true tale, by the way.) They'd been very friendly with a number of Saudi students and when they heard one of them was visiting their home town, they invited him to stay with them. He accepted with delight and duly arrivedl, to be greeted - to his horror - by a bounding, affectionate dog.

"Hiiiiii, Abdooooolahhh," enthused his hosts, ushering him into their house. Abdullah rather irritably tried to shoo the offending dog away. "Oh, Abdooolahh, he just lurves you already!" twittered the wife. "You know what? We were SO happy when we heard you were coming! I said to Hank, you know, honey, Abdullah's gonna be so pleased when he hears we named our dog after him!"