Any P-t-P followers looking in.

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
I am researching tomorrow's card and have come across MJ O'Connor as a jockey. The PTP sites I can find are subcription only. I would greatly appreciate any info on the guy's ability.
I'll pop his name on the P2P forum I run & see if anyone can help, its only a local forum so don't know if it will help

MJ O'Connor
Jamie Codd
JP McKeown
Nina Carberry
Derek O'Connor
Colman Sweeney
Danny Murphy

Amongst the better jockeys in points over the Irish sea :)
Glad you had a response elsewhere, its been a bit subdued on our forum tonight, sadly the grand daughter of our moderator was in a serious accident today, the horse she was on the gallops with collapsed & died, the horse either fell or rolled on her, Rosie has suffered a broken neck & serious head injuries, she is currently in Addenbrookes,
Keeping my fingers crossed for her

Great stuff. Thanks to all who replied.

I've done a note on Border Fusion (Foxhunter's tomorrow). Please see Day 4 thread.

Edit. Helen, Our postings crossed. Sorry to hear about the accident, as you say fingers crossed.
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