Anyone been through this situation before?

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Our house is on the market, It has sparked a lot of interest and we have had had several viewings, all of which, bar one, have been very positive and the agency is talking about 'going to closing', which, up here, basically means you submit your offer and the seller decides which to accept at the closing date. In effect, it's a kind of secret auction and tends to lead to high bids.

One of the viewers turned up at the door again last night and asked straight out "what offer would it take for us to take the house off the market?"

I do have a figure in mind but wouldn't reveal it to him until such times as I'd spoken to the agency to check out their advice. The person who asked is English and might not be fully aware of how the Scottish property market works.

I was just wondering if this had happened to anyone before and how did it work out.

I'm taking it as a huge positive for us but will speak to the agency first thing.
Methinks they’ve been watching Location Location Location too much…..
Whatever figure you have in mind, make sure you add £ clearly have a motivated buyer on your hands.
They came in with a mega-offer which we managed to get them to raise another £5k to seal the deal. Job done, house sold :)
Well done! A best friend is a Scot - we're back up to Dumbarton in September, went last August to see her mother and I loved it. Am seriously thinking of moving up there, Muppet horse dependent, but didn't know about the difference in the way sales work over the border. Slightly confusing for us Sassenachs!
Now I'm curious G-G.

My brother and sister are married to Dumbartonians and live in the town. I went to school there and know [of] a lot of Dumbarton families, through my brother's wife who knows just about everybody in the town. There's a fair chance she knows your best friend! My sister's husband's family are also sons and daughters of the Rock and know just about everybody. (It's that kind of town.)
We need to get the house here sorted first. We've reserved a plot and are in talks with a builder re a future-proof eco-house. All going well, we hope to have that ready to move into by late March or early April.

The house sale will cover all those costs and should leave a substantial amount to pursue our Spanish options.

After that we'll probably be well skint. But at least we'll be skint in the sun if we want to be :):cool:
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