Originally posted by Headstrong@Oct 17 2006, 01:22 AM
Good luck to your Dad Trudi.
There is no way your half siblings can contest the will if you and your brother are the benficiaries. However, if your dad died intestate, then they WOULD be entitled to something; so it's important his will is up to date.
The main point about changing the ownership of the house from a joint tenancy to 'tenancy in common' is that this might save a lot of death duties. If half of the house is owned and bequeathed to you two on the death of the first of your parents, then his/her estate will be almost halved in value. If it goes to the other spouse, and then the value is quite likely to be over over the limit for paying inheritance tax. Of course your parent would have to trust the two of you that you wouldn't book the other surviving parent out of the house!
Get legal advice. Even the citizens advice bureau might have the answers.