Anyone Need New Glasses


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
I know - weird topic, but I thought I would recommend this company

Ordered 2 pairs of glasses that only took a week to arrive and only cost £38 total, one pair had photochromic (spelling - the ones that go dark in sun) lenses

In hindsight as i wasn't sure of some measurements one pair would have probably been better to test - as i've had to order another 2, but i know for next time lol.

Having said that the 2 pairs I got are perfectly fine for spares, and a damn sight cheaper than anything I've seen in the UK.

I've just ordered a pair of titanium prescription sunglasses for about £7 delivered, specsavers wanted over £100 for an almost identical pair!

Just thought it might help someone :)

(A tip - if you need to measure the PD yourself (the distance between your pupils) hold a ruler up to your eyes, take a digital photo, and either enlarge it on computer or print it out to get an accute measurement :) )

OOOps, almost forgot - $3 discount code is YRUBSV

and its not an affiliate so i'm not just saying they are good to make money :suspect:
Cheers, col but I think I will leave it up to the professionals rather than risk cabbaging it myself!
Whoever did your most recent eye test should have given you the results and your prescription should be available too.

I think these things are OK for minor sight problems but my prescription is complex and I've been turned down for laser eye surgery. My current gregories cost me around £500 :angy:
Originally posted by PDJ@May 16 2007, 05:01 AM
Cheers, col but I think I will leave it up to the professionals rather than risk cabbaging it myself!
all you need is your prescription and old pair of glasses
Your prescription should have almost everything on that you need, and you just need to check the size of your frame to make sure the ones you order will fit.
The only thing you will need to do yourself is the PD, but its not hard, I did mine lookinng in a mirror with a ruler, the tip about taking a photo was what others had mentioned. :)

When I say I had to order another 2 pairs, it wasn't that the vision was wrong, i just ordered frames that were slightly too small - I though, ah its only 4mm smaller, thats nothing - it made them slightly small though :(

Never mind, I've got 4 pairs now for under the cost of one pair of sunglasses I was going to buy :)