Apple help.

Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
Happy new year, one and all.

Very recently bought a Macbook Air to replace my rather ancient Dell.

Still getting to know my new friend but have run into a problem that I would appreciate some help with.

I have been watching videos of past races using Skybet and Sporting Life on the old machine but when I try to do that on the Mac I get a blank screen and the message "this device does not support the video format" or some such.

Has anyone else run into this problem and if so how is it overcome?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Im no techy but might be worth trying firefox? Also do use apples helpline. Unlike most, it is pretty good and you will understand what they are saying
I got this error when I first started using my iMAC, Colin. It prevented me from watching some of the BBC footage on their website, but there was a pop-up to download Flash, which fixed the problem.

Maybe try the same thing?
Thanks for the input gents but I'm finding it all too much for me.

Bloody Apple boss, why did he have to hate Flash!?

Until someone walks me through step by step and whilst holding my hand I'll have to recommission my old Dell.
If I do manage to solve it (that's a big if) you can have the honour of lighting the match, Granger.

Trouble is I'm not competent enough to take advantage of all this good advice.

Anyone have a 'dunce's cap" smilie?
download (5).jpg

I googled this smiley for you. And probably loads of info about your problem if you google it. GL.
Book an appointment at Your local Apple store where they have a help desk with real people there to solve just this. Should be free as its within 90 days - plus whilst you're there ask them about anything else ie apps software etc they are a friendly bunch ;)
Agree with that. They are excellent and even if you are just past the warranty dates they usually let you off.
Did you get your iPad sorted? I had a problem with mine (hairline crack appeared from nowhere) and took it into the shop no appointment. 30mins later walked out with a new replacement no questions asked (auto generated invoice at their end said cost £207 so worth doing!)

Now just updating software before restoring backup

Took the advice about contacting the Apple shop and made an appointment to see a "genius".

Jamie sorted the problem quickly, for free and without making me feel a fool.

A highly recommended service.

Thank you all for your sound advice.
For all the detractors who knock Apple their after service is pretty good. Many a shop/brand should take notice.

Glad to hear Jamie sorted it out.

When I got my replacement the other week there was a lady who was 80 if a day having email issues - the staff were so courteous and patient with her (I think the problem was her home network!) but they didnt talk down to her and made her feel like they had never had issues like that before and were happy to spend as long as it took.