Apple Macs


At the Start
Dec 7, 2004
I'm looking at buying a laptop and after years of Windows based machines fancy a go with a Mac. The price has always put me off in the past, but there looks to be some good used and refurb bargains about at the moment.

I know there are a couple of Mac users on here so a quick question. 70% of my use will be web browsing, 20% media consumption, 10% design work.

Am I better off getting a nearly-new 13" Macbook (2ghz) or an absolutely spec'd to the stars older 17" G4 Powerbook (1.33ghz)?

It will primarily be a desktop replacement, with very occasional travel.

Easy: the Macbook. You don't want to be on the old PowerPC architecture. Apart from being slow, you'll inevitably end up needing to install some software that only runs on the Intel machines. Upgrade the memory to 2GB if it isn't already (it should be dirt cheap from crucial) and you'll be fine.

Given you're looking for a desktop replacement, and travel is not a major concern, a Mac Mini might be an even cheaper option? Assuming you've got a monitor/keyboard/mouse you can/want to reuse?
Cheers. I suspected that was the answer, but best to ask.

Mac Mini is not really the answer. The plan is to be able to put the Computer away :)
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