We've been over this ground so many times before, we all know each other's stance on the issue, I think. Of course there's a 'solution' to it. It's too late now to say that we - the British - had no right to have formulated the Balfour Treaty in the first place. It's too late now to say that it was the state of Zion which was envisaged, to give the wandering, dispossessed Jews a place to live, not a hard-line, nuclear-advantaged, militaristic, land-grabbing and dispossessing authoritarian state.
The wandering Jews actually HAD a perfectly good place to live, where they and their Palestinian neighbours existed in as much harmony as is possible in any country: they lived and worked in, and came back from their tragic experiences in Germany and Poland to, PALESTINE.
'The Europeans' - whoever they are - probably 'side with' the Palestinians' condition, suny bay, because they were the original architects of their misery. They did not foresee how the expansionism of the state of Israel would force them from their businesses, homes, and farms. How eagerly thousands of Israelis would gobble up more and more space, and at the point of a tank gun would evict people who'd lived all of their lives, in fact all of their family's lives since time immemorial, out of their own land and into the same dispossessed, homeless, wandering state of so many of their own people. Modern Israel has acted with greed and a lack of humanity, it's bullied a then unarmed populace out of its way, shot down or imprisoned the dissident (including even a few of its own, to get them off the public stage - remember Vanunu??), and overall has acted entirely like a well-schooled protege of its main supporter, the USA, a country which has displayed all of those traits since the end of the Second World War (which it won for the world, by the way).
Israel has shamelessly traded off the back of the sympathy for the treatment of Jews by the Nazis. They play the Holocaust card to wring guilt out of anyone trying to criticize their actions. They have broken every treaty they've signed up to, and have absolutely NO compunction about continuing any illegal action they feel suits their needs.
Do you perhaps now see why many people detest the country's attitude, and that of its Big Brother? If you refuse to acknowledge history, if you refuse to acknowledge Israel's recent and current actions, and if you refuse to acknowledge its reported intransigence, then you can hardly argue a valid viewpoint, since it's based on the same blind bias in favour of the country that the USA has held (out of political and financial self-interest) for decades.