Arazan returns

Be very interesting - he has has 2 bouts of pneumonia so he's done well to get this far. More often than not it knackers their lungs up. It would be great to see the horse back to his best.
For Oxx, I thought he was quite bullish about his work so you would think he has to have retained most of his ability. He obviously won't have stretched him much though so it has to be a watching brief.
i´ll never forget. he was shown round the racetrack at the curragh as a two-year-old, at guineas day - he did not run as ground was too firm but was in pre-paradering to learn a bit, and I have never ever seen a more stunning horse in my life! even phoned the husband in germany ! and then oxx turned round and had a Sea The Stars in his yard!! Go, Arazan !
Takes on Steinbeck - another really heavy shower of rain hit the course an hour or so ago last around 20 minutes. The ground update after the first tomorrow should be interesting.