Are you Donald Trump?

I side with Donald Trump on most 2016 Presidential Election issues

84 Trump
50 Johnson
13 Clinton
10 Stein
Well he seems to have declared war on the European Union tonight (Ok I exaggerate, but this looks like being a scary ride from now on)

A scary ride for who, leftists? I was out last night with a friend, his girlfriend was a Bernie supporter. She cried for hours when Trump won. These people need to get a grip. Trump is going to make changes but he's not this Facist dictator that the left is so desperate to portray him as. The European Union has so far bankrupt Greece, Italy and nearly Ireland and Spain. Declaring war on them is hardly a bad thing.
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Very similar to Warbler, which I think I'm comfortable with :confused:

Stein 87%
Clinton 82%
Johnson 36%
Trump 29%

Whenever I have a bash at this sort of thing I go in convincing myself I'll be labelled a 'greenish libertarian', whatever that is, but always actually get the wishy-washy result 'left of centre'

I'm obviously one of the metropolitan elite :(
91% Clinton
86% Stein
40% Johnson
13% Trump

Seriously concerned about that. Where on earth did the 13% for Trump come from? If Trump builds his wall, maybe we can persuade the Canadians to sneakily build a northern one and we can all chip in for a roof.
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That's a bit scary - tho can I have 33-% of his money?

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And that's the problem, thick Americans against fair tax codes for the very rich because one day they think they'll join them. Deluded cunts.