Arent Humans Clever....


Senior Jockey
Sep 15, 2003
Hurry up and move!!
Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at

Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a

wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer

be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll

raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not

raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh?

yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Pity the human being wot posted this didn't read the pinned Mail Error topic above! <_<

I shall not delete this thread as well, however, even though the Wrath of Krizon will shortly be raining down upon your head, young Troods!!
Wlle dnoe no lreannig Wlshe, trodos! A vrey ffidiclut lanaggue to lrean, ro os E'vi bene dolt, tub goncralutanitos no chievangi ti! Sheerc, Nozrik. ;)
:P Julie - I DID only press it once!! I got the mail error thing, went back to the page, then used refresh to look at the list - i didnt press send more than once..... <_<

:lol: Siht Hppenas
Wv'ee been hrree brofee. It olny wkros if you can slpel rhigt in the fsirt pcale.

And not too mnay on hree can <_<
Of course it isn't absolutely true at all ~ otherwise we'd all be getting the conundrum on countdown in less than a second.
I had a friend rather outstay their lunch here and ask to watch Countdown yesterday. There was a very young, precocious boy on, in what are the semi-finals, I think. He outsmarted a young chap by around 122 -100 points (the losing points being fantastic enough) and then got the conundrum in 2 seconds. It helps if you 'see' words out of jumbled letters, as the quickest brains with Maths presumably 'see' the total. It must be very enjoyable to have a brain that can work out multiple additions and subtractions without recourse to pen and paper (or calculator).
:lol: Brian - something you had to be rather good at in your colourful past, of course! " 'Ere, Bri, 'ow come we're abaht free grand aht on the tikins?" "Ahh, yes, that'll be the bloke who asked for Loopyloo at fives, then I got interrupted by a woman asking what 'against' meant, and then another bloke who shouted for Dingbat at fours, and.. er, I, uh... " :confused:

I know things are a lot different nowadays for bookies, but one of the reasons (no, THE reason) why a once-held hope of becoming a croupier never became remotely reality, was (and is) my total inability to see numbers in my head. I see cards, though, as pictures - five hearts is easy enough to remember, but 5 alone isn't.
To be fair, even nowadays with all the computerisation a person wono't get anywhere in a trading position within a bookmaking environment if their maths/mental arithmetic isn't pretty good. It's a very fast paced environment & figures are flying about all over the place with everyone yelling different things & amounts!
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@May 26 2006, 05:52 PM
To be fair, even nowadays with all the computerisation a person wono't get anywhere in a trading position within a bookmaking environment if their maths/mental arithmetic isn't pretty good. It's a very fast paced environment & figures are flying about all over the place with everyone yelling different things & amounts!
Of course, even if your knowledge of racing is excellent and you can settle 2000 multiple bets in a day without recourse to an OTT machine, know every mug and shrewdie on the high street, accurately price up any given horse race in 5 minutes and keep the toilet bowl sparkling, it doesn't matter if one of the bastards doesn't like you :angry: :angry:
Fancy a job in Gibraltar, Rory? Seriously actually, drop me a PM if you might be, my firm are recruiting at the moment - for experienced past shop managers who know the game well.
Thanks Dom, but despite getting the brick wall at Laddies, I've fallen on my feet working with Tony Bloom who Victor will know quite well.

edit: give it a couple of years though...... :D
Ermmm... swerving the mathematical wizardry, if VC needs a cheerful old bat to keep the toilet bowls sparkling, Dom, I'll be over next week!
Originally posted by rorydelargy@May 26 2006, 07:05 PM
I've fallen on my feet working with Tony Bloom who Victor will know quite well.

Ah, the king of the Asian handicaps! I have met your Tony across the poker table, where he has the not too complimentary name of "The Lizard".