Wha i is, trudi, is a persn wha can' use their consnants proply - it's very common now cos it's sposed to show you're not eli'ist, bu aw i is really is a pain in the rear faw those of us wha mannidge to speak awight wivout bein eli'ist anyway.
Here's the techie bit, courtesy of me dictionary: GLOTTAL: of or relating to the glottis; Phonetics: articulated or pronounced at, or with, the glottis.
GLOTTAL STOP: a plosive speech sound produce by tightly closing the glottis and allowing the air pressure to build up before opening the glottis, causing the air to escape with force. Plosive is used in the phonetic sense here, as in a 'plosive consonant'. Plosion is the sound of an abrupt break, or closure. (Such as the word 'abrupt'.)
GLOTTIS: the vocal apparatus of the larynx, consisting of the two true vocal cords and the opening between them.
Tanya would pronounce "vocal cords" as "vocoo caws"; the horse BAK TO BILL becomes BAKTER BIW, and because she doesn't recognize where the stops and starts in words should be emphasized, ONE ALONE, instead of being two, distinct, words, becomes WUNNERLONE. A horse like FIRST CANDLELIGHT becomes FIRS CANDOOLIGH, and so on. We could make up a new game called 'You've Been Tanyaaed!' by putting up horses' names as she mangles them, and trying to guess who they are. :brows: