Asian child rape gangs


Banned member
Jun 1, 2014
Coming to your Town soon, well it seems that way , Newcastle , Rotherham , Rochdale, Dewsbury , Huddersfield , Aylesbury , Oxford , plenty more as well, and where is it going on at the moment ? , gangs of up to 30 or more .. doing as they like by the looks of things , f....... sickening ... welcome to our great multi culture country... lock up your daughters
Part of the issue here is the fact that these gangs have failed to be confronted, due to concerns about racism. It is very-much the dark-side of political-correctness; applied by fools.

Such notions should be torched. The first and only concern should be about whether the law has been broken, and the police should go after these cases without any concern as to the heritage of the perpetrators.
There is a definite cultural problem particularly with men from the Pakistani community. Unfortunately in many areas of Pakistan women are regarded as goods and chattels. Attempts to change the culture in Pakistan have repeatedly failed because of what could be called the tribal dependency in much of the country.
Whilst we may have to accept that we cannot change the situation in Pakistan, the behaviour that has occurred in this country by some members of the Pakistani community cannot be tolerated. I commend the use of all reasonable means to address the issue however the nature of the community is such that one cannot expect much assistance. An unpleasant fact but still a fact.
There is another factor in play and that is the vulnerability of young girls that have been failed by the indigenous population. Most of the victims seem to come from either broken homes or from care homes run by local Authorities.

It is easy to criticise the Pakistani community but surely the protection of the vulnerable is a major responsibility of the State and it is failing abysmallly.
Part of the issue here is the fact that these gangs have failed to be confronted, due to concerns about racism. It is very-much the dark-side of political-correctness; applied by fools.

Given the sordid coincidence, swiftly following Newcastle, of a family from the 'Travelling Community' aka Gypsies being found guilty of Slavery, I think a similar reticence to investigate and prosecute applies - or now, hopefully, applied - to ne'er do wells from this group

Certainly, in North Yorkshire, the gypsy camps have been seen as something of no-go areas for the police, fearing they play the discrimination card
This threads gone quiet.

Good to see some posters I had down as part of the politically correct changing directions.
This threads gone quiet.

Good to see some posters I had down as part of the politically correct changing directions.

Not sure who you'd be referring to there as I can't think of a single poster, past or present, who would favour political correctness over jailing child rape gangs (asian or otherwise).
I didn't mean it like that, Simmo.

I just find it interesting, that In my early years of posting on forums like The Racing Forum, for the most part, I was vilified as some sort of nutter for the odd anti-politically correct comment, by people now so staunchly against political correctness.

We're all allowed to change, that's fine.
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People not posting says to me what side of the fence they stand, when it comes to hunting down and stopping these dirty filthy ******* pakistani gangs , and thats who is doing this **** all over the country , the pc mob will say its white people doing it as well , maybe yes but not in mobs of 20-40 handed .the news stations hardly give it a mention, when that black fella was thrown off the Paris metro last year, it was all over the bbc news for weeks, he never even got injured , but to the bbc it was as if he had been killed.
but to the bbc it was as if he had been killed.

The BBC are just one fairly large part of corporate Britain though fella. Sky, ITV, or any other Television outlet, would do exactly the same.

I don't know much about the case of the man racially abused on the tube so I'm not commenting on that.

My point is, the BBC are not left or right, like everything else, they're Corporate.

The BBC does what others media providers do, and others do as the BBC does.
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I didn't mean it like that, Simmo.

I just find it interesting, that In my early years of posting on forums like The Racing Forum, for the most part, I was vilified as some sort of nutter for the odd anti-politically correct comment, by people now so staunchly against political correctness.

We're all allowed to change, that's fine.

Given the reference to TRF, and that fact that only three people have posted on the thread, I can only assume you mean me.

In which case, I have no fu*cking idea what you're on about.
I would agree that the coverage from the mainstream media has been lax - I wasn't aware of the various cases at all until now, which is a bit shocking really, though I tend to rely on the BBC website for my news intake.

I wouldn't agree with the strange assertion that anyone who hasn't posted on this thread is some kind of ultra-pc defender of Asian child rape gangs.
virtually impossible to find anything against ethnics on the bbc ... if a skinhead farts , they print it :lol: still the carnival starts in 10 days , that should be fun watching them dumb that down :lol:
Good to see some posters I had down as part of the politically correct changing directions.

Do you mean me Marble?

In which case, I too have no fuc*king idea what you're on about :confused:

Though I do freely admit that I've become less tolerant and more angry in recent years. Subscribing to The Guardian has only made things worse. Sent them a fiver for the privilege; they won't be getting any more. Have a look, read the comments and see what you think. Someone described it as having become the left wing equivalent of the Daily Mail, which isn't far off the mark
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No course not. I withdraw my comments earlier, sorry to Grasshopper. I was attention seeking.
Was just having a chat to my mum about forum life. She said we sound like a bunch of old grannies in an old peoples home.
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here you go, this is what happens if you talk about whats going on all over the country

sarah champion forced to resign , for saying whats going on.

pathetic state this country has become
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keep brushing it under the carpets boys, sooner or later it will affect your life somehow ,what a gutless nation Britain has become.
keep brushing it under the carpets boys, sooner or later it will affect your life somehow ,what a gutless nation Britain has become.

Oh we're full of stubberness, vindictiveness and idealistic/utopian attitudes to everything, don't you worry. This usually comes to the fore when debating 'who's right'. Get over it mate. :)
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Looking forward to your updates on white rapists, ozgood.

Can anyone tell me why this clearly racist cu*nt hasn't been jottered yet?