Assistant Trainers Licence


At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
Again, from the Turf Club site which might be of interest. This is a good idea just a few years too late Assistant Trainers Licence

The Turf Club has approved the introduction of an Assistant Trainers Licence which was established in conjunction with the Irish Racehorse Trainers Association (I.R.T.A) and the Racing Academy Centre of Education (R.A.C.E) This is primarily being aimed at those persons who aspire to gaining a Full Trainers Licence in the future and having an Assistant Trainers Licence will become a pre-requisite to obtaining a Full Trainers Licence.

The recent restructuring of trainers licensing to allow for better career progression opportunities and an identifiable career path within the industry has led to the addition of an Assistant Trainers Qualification and Licence to the current Restricted Trainers and Full Trainers Licence. The changes do not involve any additional training days, just a change in the overall structure. The newly structured courses now all incorporate FETAC certification at Level 5 in Stable and Yard Routine for all successful candidates. The addition of this recognised certification and the restructuring of the courses is a great step forward in developing the professionalism of the licensing procedure and of those who attain a licence under the new system.

The new structure requires a greater evidence of commitment to this as a career choice and a sharper grasp of business management skills for those aspiring to hold Full Trainers Licences. This is in line with industry aspirations to improve training and career development opportunities within racing as a means of aiding recruitment and retention.

Practical changes that anyone considering applying for a licence needs to be aware of are as follows:

• Candidates are required to hold either an Assistant Trainers or Restricted Trainers Licence for a period of three years prior to applying for a Full Trainers Licence.
• Candidates with the ultimate aim of applying for a Full Trainers Licence should aim to get an Assistant Trainers Licence rather than a Restricted Trainers Licence as a more direct route towards a Full Trainers Licence.

Those who are considering applying for a Full Trainers Licence in the next three years should look at the requirements for the Assistant Trainers Licence immediately as it may be necessary for them to apply for the Assistant Trainers Licence now, to allow them to progress to a Full Trainer further down the road.

It is proposed that the first Assistant Trainer’s course will commence on Monday 16th November to Friday 20th November 2009. The closing date for applications and portfolios is Friday 9th October 2009. Further details on exact requirements can be found on the Turf Club website: or by contacting the Licensing Department, Turf Club, on 045 445605.

Quote: Mr. N.B. Wachman, Senior Steward of the Turf Club:
“I welcome the introduction of the new category of Assistant Trainer and I would like to thank both the I.R.T.A and R.A.C.E for all their assistance”.

Quote: Mr. D. Ivo O’Sullivan, Chairman of the Licensing Committee:
“The Licensing Committee welcome the introduction of an Assistant Trainers Licence which will give the necessary experience to all those intending to train at a future date”.

Quote: I.R.T.A.
“The Irish Racehorse Trainers Association welcomes the introduction of the new licensed position of Assistant Trainer. This new initiative is in line with the I.R.T.A’s aspirations to create new career development opportunities and also as a means of retention and aiding recruitment within the industry”.

Quote: R.A.C.E
“R.A.C.E were very happy to be involved in the development of this new structure and qualification as it will assist with necessary work towards career development within the industry”.
Sounds like a good idea to me and one that is needed in this country too. I also feel there should be a proper exam to get your Trainers licence which involves plenty of "hands on" experience rather than all theory.