Australian Whip Rules


At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
And they say this is a compromise. I've highlighted the section which I think is particularly upsetting - is that not "beating" a horse?

Australia: The threat of strike action by jockeys during the Melbourne spring carnival has been averted after a compromise was reached between riders and the Australian Racing Board (ARB) over the controversial whip rule.
The new rule, which coincided with the introduction of padded whips, came into effect on August 1 but jockeys rebelled after a few weeks, saying restrictions were too harsh.
They went on strike last week, walking off the job at racetracks around the country on Thursday after the ARB rejected their submission to change the rules.
However, they agreed not to take further action pending Tuesday's crisis meeting, at which a compromise was reached.
Under the rule, jockeys were allowed to use the whip with a forehand action no more than seven times inside the last 100 metres of a race but not in consecutive strides.
Damien Oliver: pleased with change to 'unworkable' rule
PICTURE: Mark Cranham
The agreement reached between the Australian Jockeys' Association (AJA) and the ARB in Melbourne on Tuesday allows the whip to be used seven times inside the last 100 metres at the rider's discretion.
"This change will give us far greater discretion," said Melbourne champion Damien Oliver.
"The previous rules were proving unworkable and potentially compromising our safety," he added.
"There are only 12 strides in the last 100metres and we can use the whip for seven of them.
"This is not as strict as to how we use it and there may be times we don't use it at all. It depends on the horse. We all love horses and the less we use it the better."
ARB chairman Bob Bentley said his board had not backed down under threat of industrial action and that the door had always been open for further discussion.
"This outcome achieves everything that is important to usso far as both safety of riders and the welfare of horses are concerned," Bentley said.
"From an animal welfare point of view the ARB's objectives are still achieved in full - the level of use of the padded whip remains unchanged.
"At the same time the safety concerns of jockeys are also addressed. They are given an appropriate range of discretion as to how they use the whip in the finishing stages of a race."
The changes aretentatively marked for implementation on September 26 to allow a review of the penalties for breaches of the rules.
The AJA welcomed the changes. "These changes won't take the danger out of racing, but it will lessen the dangers jockeys face in the last 100 metres of a race," said chief executive Paul Innes.
"We're particularly happy to see the current penalties for riders breaching the rules put through the shredder."
Under the rule, jockeys were allowed to use the whip with a forehand action no more than seven times inside the last 100 metres of a race but not in consecutive strides.

So its ok to whip a horse every other stride then? :mad:

I find that very uncomfortable reading
"The previous rules were proving unworkable and potentially compromising our safety"

Is there any truth in that, or is it just a cynical ploy from a jockey who's father and brother both died in racing accidents?