AW benefit for NH horses at Lingfield


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Crikey! Just looked over our card for Wednesday at Lingers, and the 3.00 is pretty much a benefit for assorted hurdlers and sometime chasers. Other races have a fair sprinkling of the big 'uns, too, so we'll expect the stalls to look a bit bowed and bent after they've squeezed their way in! Nice to know that we're keeping the old groaners fit through the winter.
well sometimes trainers do want to run their horses on the flat to get them a bit more race fit. I remember a couple of years ago Harchibald being run on the flat before running in the champion hurdle
We've had loads of NH nags on the AW at Lingers, Justin. Some decent ones, too, keeping their lungs open and their muscles toned. It's just that they're usually entered up singly in races, rather than en masse.