Bad taste


At the Start
Nov 5, 2012
For goodness sake close the bloody Brexit thread its an absolute disgrace.
As vulgar and cheap as it gets fonza, you are smart for not bothering. Its a build of years of people winding others up, or just not reading peoples posts properly ha.
I'm all for bad taste, vulgarity and slanging matches but recent exchanges have been a little too near the knuckle even for leather-skinned me

Still amongst all the bollox there's been some worthwhile chitter chatter on that thread so keep it active. Evens it'll get to 200 pages before Article 50 is triggered

Had it been on my erstwhile virtual home TRF I doubt it would have got past the first few pages before being pulled, so it's a credit to the moderators here that it's been allowed to run and run

Free Fu*cking Speech you Cu*nts There you go, am I now a fully qualified member of TH? :D

Those of you who get Private Eye will be aware of the hilarious 'From the Message Boards' column: Life imitates Art

Great Stuff Guys!! Bogbrush
I hereby undertake to refrain from calling Harry a paedo anymore. The accusation, like most of what comes out of his mouth, has no basis in fact to my knowledge and therein lies the story.

I do, however, reserve the right to go at people who aim personal abuse at me. Heartily and with great vigour.