My cousin has some psychic ability, Griffin. During the Gulf War, my Mother (back in the UK while I was still in Saudi) was quite concerned for my safety, as we had the occasional Scud aimed our way (Dhahran). One day, my cousin rang her to say she shouldn't worry at all as she'd had a 'vision' of a man in what she described as a 'dark uniform' telling her that I'd be all right. My Mother asked her to describe the man some more, and my cousin said it was very strange, but the background behind him appeared to be an explosion. My Mum then said she understood the message, and to say a big thank you to my father John, who was in the Royal Naval Reserve during World War II, and had been killed during coastal duties. His motor torpedo boat had been blown up (the explosion) by German boats during an engagement off the coast of France. Obviously, he was represented in the dark navy uniform. My cousin was surprised - she'd thought my Father was in the army, and she'd been unaware of how he'd died, so the message was by no means 'planted' by prior information.
My Mother visited a Turkish lady when she was still living in Devon, and was told that she would fairly soon be departing for another life abroad. The woman, Mrs Suleiman, said that Mum would be living on an island with palm trees. Was she thinking of going to the Bahamas, as she was getting B-A-H but struggling after that. No, Mum said, only in her dreams. Within the year she was living on the island of BAHrain, surrounded by palm trees! She hadn't even met the person who would encourage her to live there at that time, so again, no prior information was available to the psychic.
If there is a psychic energy to be tapped, and there seems to be some reason to believe that there is, then it's an area we don't work on enough, perhaps. It has to be more than just intuition, because there are too many examples of premonition (positive or negative) for it to be just that, or coincidence.
I woke up one morning when I was working in Saudi, following a horrible, vivid dream. I dreamt that a Saudia plane (or at least what looked like one, with its then blue and green livery) was circling on the ground, on fire. I then flew over it (as you do, without the aid of a plane or wings!) and saw that the top of it was open, and the inside was black and smoky.
I felt quite shaken by it, but not so badly as when I arrived for work at 7.00 a.m. and my colleagues asked if I'd heard the morning news about the awful plane disaster in Riyadh? I then got really afraid, as my then boyfriend was due to return from a business trip to the city that morning, by plane. Thankfully, I got a call from him a few hours later to say that he'd been delayed leaving, because of the incident with the plane. I asked for details and they were that a Saudia flight had caught fire in the air and was coming in for an emergency landing - it seems that some idiot in the cabin had started a fire. The pilot landed okay, and was taxiing the plane to safety, but the passengers had panicked in the onboard smoke and rushed the exits. They refused to be pulled away so that the doors could be opened, and it's thought that the captain continued to taxi on the ground because he was trying to avoid fuel hazards and other planes. Meanwhile, as he became disoriented, his crew and the passengers suffocated to death.
My boyfriend said there were no survivors and when he flew out of the airport, they'd flown over the stricken plane. Yes, from the air he could see that the whole top of the plane was open, and it was blackened and smoky inside.