Has anyone else noticed that the timekeeping on the BBC is getting worse. Dr Who was supposed to start at 19.20 tonight, at 19.23 the previous programme ended and the next thing on the channel was an advert for the episode of Dr Who that was supposed to have already started!!!!!!
Would logic here not have dictated that they just show the damn programme rather than an advert for it when it was already late.
This seems to happen more and more, and yet there always seems to be time to show more adverts or the stupid inter-programme slots of the people dancing.
Am I the only one getting frustrated by this???
Would logic here not have dictated that they just show the damn programme rather than an advert for it when it was already late.
This seems to happen more and more, and yet there always seems to be time to show more adverts or the stupid inter-programme slots of the people dancing.
Am I the only one getting frustrated by this???