Best Bet, Each Way and Lay


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
At current odds.

Bet - Shantou Village 10s Albert Bartlett

Each Way - Valseur Lido 12s Ryanair

Lay - Killultagh Vic 5/2 JLT
Bet: No More Heroes (RSA Chase - 11/4)

Each Way: Identity Thief (Champion Hurdle - 14/1)

Lay: Un De Sceaux (Champion Chase - 5/6)
Bet: Buveur D'air (Supreme 8/1)

EW : Vaniteux (Arkle 9/1)

Lay: Vautour (Gold Cup 4/1)

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best bet Thistlecrack

EW Road To Riches in the Ryan Air and Lami Serge in the JLT

Buveur Daur (place)
Annie Power in the Mares race
Barters Hill in the Albert Barlett
Bet-Just Cameron -Grand Annual 33/1

EW -Alpha des Obeaux -World Hurdle-Mouse Morris special-will peak on the day and run a massive race.

Lay -Sprinter Sacre -for a place.
Bet Bet Bet Bet!!! More of That will win the RSA
E/W-Gilgamboa in the Ryanair
Lay-I'm not big into laying horses at the festival but Sprinter Sacre and Cue Card look place lays to me.
Bet Yanworth, Thistlecrack
Each way L'Ami Serge (JLT)
Lay Barters Hill

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